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This is nor a technical, neither an academic article. It is a kind of essay about how art-theory could be regarded as a humanistic discipline, and included in a philosophical system. Therefore, I have examined, first, the historical backgrounds of the system of 'liberal arts', and its place in the 'university' since the medieval time in order to know the academic status of liberal arts in it. These examinations finally lead me to the considerations of 'Renaissance humanism' so important not only in creations of great art but also in the birth of 'art-theory'. After the survey of those problems I have gone so far to the relation between the humanistic world-view and the artistic creation. With the humanistic backgrounds the traditional noble concept of 'Idea' had gradually been transformed into that of the 'Ideal' as 'beauty', the most valuable to contemporary painters. In this respect I have to go into the theoretical lineage from Alberti, Leonardo, and Bellori to Winchelmann. Because of the exceptional popularity of Winchelmann's History of Ancient Art, the neo-Platonic interpretation, long applied to Platon, became generally admitted as a metaphysical explanation of art. In Germany, as a result, the belief in the Idea of beauty as a substance of art has been practically universal in literate circles since Winchelmann. According to this belief, art is valuable above all other things, since it is the sole privilege of art to manifest the Idea. That is, the artist idea is the Idea, and as such a permanent correlation of beauty and object in human experience is nowhere else to be found, art enjoys a unique function. German philosophy after Kant has been able to profit from this belief in several ways. It has also secured a name for the systematic development of the assumption that the Idea is the essence of art; 'idealism' is the title of the philosophy of Germany. Reflecting from this point of view it was the Renaissance painter rather than the contemporary philosopher who could open a view into the idealistic world of pure ideas. Since then, art has gradually come to be treated in the system of philosophy, and art-theory has gradually been established as a humanistic discipline.