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Ḥizb al-Taḥrīr - also known as the Islamic Party of Liberation - is a political party whose ideology is Islam. Its purpose is to resume the Islamic way of life, to revive the Islamic Ummah and to liberate it from the domination and influence of the non-Islamic Western states. It also aims to restore the Islamic Khilafah State. The party started the first stage in Palestine in 1953 under the leadership of Taqī al-Dīn al-Nabhānī and is active all over the world. Ḥizb al-Taḥrīr now has its main base in London, UK, but it has large followings in Central Asia, particularly in Uzbekistan. Even though the group has long claimed it wants to achieve its objectives through nonviolent means, it is being fiercely repressed by regional governments, which consider its radical ideology a major threat. This thesis analyzes the strategy of hostile coexistence as a means for Karimov regime to claim its own legitimacy. The presence of Hizb ut-Tahrir itself facilitates the tyranny of Karimov authorities. The Islamic group also makes use of the similar tactics; its struggle against the secular despot, justifying the logic of Islamic revolution, and mobilization of Uzbek Muslim people. The perfect example of hostile coexistence is the Andijan massacre occurred on 13 May 2005.