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The cultural contents industry such as cinema, broadcasting, music album,game and publication is being considered as the major industry of the 21st century next to the heavy chemical industry in the 1970s and the semiconductor industry in the 1990s. Meanwhile, the cultural contents industry of Malaysia is contributing 12.6% of the GDP as of 2010 according to Ministry of Trade and the cultural contents industry is being ranked at the top 5th in the industry of importance in the Malaysian economy while showing the average annual growth rate of 18%. In case of the Malaysian broadcasting industry, there are currently 1national TV broadcastings and regional TV broadcastings at the allowance of private sector participation in the broadcasting industry in 1995 and the majority of the broadcasting stations are mostly broadcasting, the movies and dramas imported from the US, Chinese speaking countries, India, Japan and Korea instead of the self-produced programs. In the midst of the world music industry situation in which only the digital music industry is growing, the music album industry among the entire music industry of Malaysia is decreasing from the flooding of illegal replica whereas the digital music distribution market has a very significant growth potential despite its small market size as music albums started to be distributed through the Internet.