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학습조직이론에 대한 기본 발상은 평생 동안 학습해야 한다는 철학적 의미를 조직의 대상으로 구체화한 전략이다. 더구나 지식정보화 사회에 학교교육의 기본 철학 및 방법론에 일대 변혁을 가하는 교육 개혁안이 학습조직이 추구하는 아이디어와 맥락을 같이하고 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 현행 학교교육의 특징을 비판적으로 성찰해 보고, 미래교육체제의 대안으로 불리는 학습조직이론의 철학적 배경을 살펴보고자 한다. 아울러 학습조직을 구성하는 요소를 규범적 접근에 의해 비전 공유, 문화, 구조, 리더십 등 네 가지 차원으로 분류하여 미래교육체제의 변화의 과제를 탐색하였다. 미래학교교육에서는 구성원과 비전을 공유하고, 유연한 조직 구조를 통해 지속적인 학습문화를 형성하고, 나아가 학교장의 변혁적 리더십의 역할이 강조되어 진다.

This study is to reflect the characteristics and tasks of future school education in the perspective of learning organization by an alternative plan of existing paradigm to the school settings. For 21st century, school organizations need to acquire new information, process it, make it a new knowledge creatively, shared it with all faculty within the school, further to apply it to their real job settings promptly. Accordingly learning organization is a system that creates new values, which is focused on changes. also it is holds a learning models in common in every dimension. The individual enterprise try to cope with a change in economic circumstance, but public organization doesn't. The researcher investigated definitions and characteristics of learning organization from varying scholars' point of view, and the concepts of the four core factors to build the learning organization: shared vision, culture, structure, leadership. The findings noted that the initial object of change in education is not students, the classroom, or the system; it is the attitudes and conceptions of educators themselves. this remind that education is not a matter of things; it is a people situation. Not just administrator, parents, community but also the groups of people that most influence on learning in school- the educators and learners. As tasks of future school education in the perspective of learning organization are the followings. There is a need for closer cooperation among various fields in society, trust and cooperation among school and educational key players, developing better school education.

This study is to reflect the characteristics and tasks of future school education in the perspective of learning organization by an alternative plan of existing paradigm to the school settings. For 21st century, school organizations need to acquire new information, process it, make it a new knowledge creatively, shared it with all faculty within the school, further to apply it to their real job settings promptly. Accordingly learning organization is a system that creates new values, which is focused on changes. also it is holds a learning models in common in every dimension. The individual enterprise try to cope with a change in economic circumstance, but public organization doesn't. The researcher investigated definitions and characteristics of learning organization from varying scholars' point of view, and the concepts of the four core factors to build the learning organization: shared vision, culture, structure, leadership. The findings noted that the initial object of change in education is not students, the classroom, or the system; it is the attitudes and conceptions of educators themselves. this remind that education is not a matter of things; it is a people situation. Not just administrator, parents, community but also the groups of people that most influence on learning in school- the educators and learners. As tasks of future school education in the perspective of learning organization are the followings. There is a need for closer cooperation among various fields in society, trust and cooperation among school and educational key players, developing better school education.