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고전적 자유주의에 대한 듀이의 개조는 도덕교육에 폭넓은 영향을 주었다. 듀이는 자유의 개념을 재해석하여, 자유는 외부의 속박으로부터 단순히 벗어난 상태가 아니라, 번영할 수 있는 능력이 되는 것, 즉 성장이라고 강조하였다. 이것은 중요한 전환이다. 자유주의 개념의 개조는 자유의 목적 설정에도 변화를 가져왔다. 듀이는 자유의 목적이 덕을 지니고 있는 인간, 즉 공동체 생활에 있어서 완전하고 능동적이고 철저하게 협동적인 참여를 통하여 자신들을 성장에 참여하게 하는 민주적 덕목을 지니고 있는 인간의 형성에 있다고 보는데, 바로 이러한 점이 고전적 자유주의자들의 주장과 근본적으로 다르다. 이 논문에서는 민주주의에서 도덕교육의 목적은 새로운 시민, 즉 사회적 조건의 개조와 협동적 탐구를 위하여 잘 개발된 능력을 소유하고 있는 ‘민주적 인간’(democratic man)의 형성을 지향해야 한다는 듀이의 주장을 근거로, 자유주의에 대한 듀이의 개조와 그 결과가 민주적 공동체의 도덕교육과 민주적 인간형성에 어떠한 의미를 시사해주는가에 초점을 두고 논의한다.

The purpose of this study is to discuss Dewey's reconstruction in liberalism and moral education for democratic character forming. Identifying the relation between democratic character forming and moral education, the essence of the relation between community and virtue and moral education is described. Also, Dewey's reconstruction of liberal democracy and its effect on moral education in democratic community and democratic character forming are discussed. Dewey believes that the ends of moral education should go beyond developing new kinds of citizen, that is the 'democratic human' built up democratic character who is cooperative and able for reconstruction and cooperative inquiry of social conditions. Dewey provides important insight of the essence of moral education for democratic character forming in democratic community. Dewey appropriately points out the needs for approaching problems of moral education empirically, and importantly considers small, private communities as proper places for moral education. If moral education can be directed by families, civil groups, and relatively small communities, it could be more successful. Dewey himself insists that those small communities along with schools should be the core of moral education. If Dewey's conception of social intelligence can be connected with free, vital and effective discourse under democratic regime, the reason for existence of those communities could be explained sufficiently. Therefore, Dewey's social intelligence could mainly be effective in case of consolidating democratic systems and institutions, and it could also be effective for directing interaction among diverse private communities in greater democratic society. In fact, expanding social intelligence is an effort to overcome tradition and authority combining undemocratic communities into one. Dewey sets a high value on the efforts which people with democratic character try to overcome inherent defects in democracy. Moral education which is formed with such belief of Dewey toward democracy is based on Dewey's solid belief that moral education should aim at democratic character forming.

The purpose of this study is to discuss Dewey's reconstruction in liberalism and moral education for democratic character forming. Identifying the relation between democratic character forming and moral education, the essence of the relation between community and virtue and moral education is described. Also, Dewey's reconstruction of liberal democracy and its effect on moral education in democratic community and democratic character forming are discussed. Dewey believes that the ends of moral education should go beyond developing new kinds of citizen, that is the 'democratic human' built up democratic character who is cooperative and able for reconstruction and cooperative inquiry of social conditions. Dewey provides important insight of the essence of moral education for democratic character forming in democratic community. Dewey appropriately points out the needs for approaching problems of moral education empirically, and importantly considers small, private communities as proper places for moral education. If moral education can be directed by families, civil groups, and relatively small communities, it could be more successful. Dewey himself insists that those small communities along with schools should be the core of moral education. If Dewey's conception of social intelligence can be connected with free, vital and effective discourse under democratic regime, the reason for existence of those communities could be explained sufficiently. Therefore, Dewey's social intelligence could mainly be effective in case of consolidating democratic systems and institutions, and it could also be effective for directing interaction among diverse private communities in greater democratic society. In fact, expanding social intelligence is an effort to overcome tradition and authority combining undemocratic communities into one. Dewey sets a high value on the efforts which people with democratic character try to overcome inherent defects in democracy. Moral education which is formed with such belief of Dewey toward democracy is based on Dewey's solid belief that moral education should aim at democratic character forming.