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이명박 정부의 ‘수학능력시험 및 대학입시제도 개편안’ 및 ‘미래형 교육과정’에서 밝히고 있는 ‘학습자의 학습부담 경감정책’은 기존의 경쟁교육정책과 정반대의 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 동일한 정부에서 추진되는 정반대의 교육정책에 대한 분석이 필요하다는 전제 아래, 학습부담경감정책을 지젝의 오이디푸스론에 의거하여 분석하였다. 연구분석의 결과에 의하면, 이명박 정부의 ‘학습부담 경감정책’은 학생의 복지향상을 위한다는 교육의 본질에 충실한 교육정책이기 보다는, 학습자를 실질적으로는 무력화 시키는 동시에 교육과학기술부의 권력을 강화함으로써, 학생과 단위학교를 더욱 효과적으로 통제하기 위한 교육정책이다.

The purpose of this study is to analysis on the Lee Myoung Bark government’s ‘low learning burden educational policy’ with the Zizek’s Oedipus theory. Since launching, Lee Government have been taking a high learning burden, but recently Lee government promulgated two low learning burden educational policies. So the new policies which are opposite to high burden policy are likely to make people be confuse. Therefore it is necessary to analysis purpose and reality of the new policies. In the Zizek’s Oedipus theory, ‘the Father’ as signifier that is ‘the Other’ get back lively after a death. Buy the way, The Father relived is changed into unreasonable, enjoyment oriented and power oriented the Other. And he strongly enforce a self to fully enjoy a life. A self who enforced to enjoy becomes to do not enjoy rather than to enjoy. He have a guilty conscience and is fallen into enervation. In a contrary, the Other becomes to be strong and powerful more. With Lee Myoung Bark government’s ‘low learning burden educational policy’, the student would be a self that be enervated, the government would be the Other. The government as The Order give a order such as to enjoy to student, the student fail to enjoy and is fallen into enervation finally. And the government get a bigger power to control and reign. The purpose of the Lee Myoung Bark government’s ‘low learning burden educational policy’ is not for student’s well being but for enforcement of government power to reign students easily.