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이 논문은 전통을 가진 한국 음악극인 창극에 대하여, 최근에 일고 있는 새로운 무대에의 가능성을 중간점검하는 논의이다. 창극은 지금부터 100년 전에 판소리에서 분화되어 프로시니엄 무대를 획득한 음악극이며, 따라서 고전극이면서도 근대극의 요소를 가지고 있음을 먼저 논의하였다. 2006년 ‘우리시대의 창극’이라는 기치로 창극 무대의 새로운 지평을 열었다는 평을 받은 창극 <청>을 분석의 대상으로 삼았다. <청>의 대본은 보성소리 <심청가> 토대로 하면서 효녀이면서도 인간인 심청의 갈등을 표출하는 방식에 대하여 논의하였다. 그리고 무대와 조명이 기왕의 창극 무대와 구분지울 수 있는 인식 기반의 차이를 밝혔다. 그리고 음악분야에서 특히 반주의 문제에서 수성반주에서 관현악 반주로 변화하면서 생기는 변화에 대하여 분석하였다. 창극 <청>이 젊은 관객을 주 대상으로 삼아 대중화하는 양상을 살폈다. 논자는 창극이 한국적 양식의 음악극이면서 보편적 음악극의 성격도 아울러 지녀야 대중화와 함께 세계화도 이룰 수 있다고 주장하고 있다. 그리고 창극이 현재 그 노정에 있다는 점을 밝히고 있다.

This is a research of the old tradition of Changgeuk musical and the possibility of new stage. The Changgeuk's script originates from Pan'sori narration. However, it must be noted that the tradition of Changgeuk is not from the traditional performances, but from the contemporary performing arts. I was involved the whole process of the Changgeuk performance <Cheong청> production as an artistic director. Changgeuk <Cheong청> is originated from the Pansori Simcheogga심청가. <Cheong(청)> is claim to stand for "Changgeuk Musical in our time." We had six principles for producing the Changgeuk <Cheong(청)>. They are about the audience, the accompaniment, the stage, the play, and the narrator singer. For giving a sense of familial warmth to the audience, we try to make a Changgeuk more popular. The play was adapted easily for the audience. The music accompaniment was adapted advanced style for the audience. And the stage was refined for the young audience. The new possibiliry of Changgeuk is not only being faithful to Pansori grammar, but also to realize its modern musical potentials. Actually this is the report of the new possible atempt for Changgeuk musical in our time.

This is a research of the old tradition of Changgeuk musical and the possibility of new stage. The Changgeuk's script originates from Pan'sori narration. However, it must be noted that the tradition of Changgeuk is not from the traditional performances, but from the contemporary performing arts. I was involved the whole process of the Changgeuk performance <Cheong청> production as an artistic director. Changgeuk <Cheong청> is originated from the Pansori Simcheogga심청가. <Cheong(청)> is claim to stand for "Changgeuk Musical in our time." We had six principles for producing the Changgeuk <Cheong(청)>. They are about the audience, the accompaniment, the stage, the play, and the narrator singer. For giving a sense of familial warmth to the audience, we try to make a Changgeuk more popular. The play was adapted easily for the audience. The music accompaniment was adapted advanced style for the audience. And the stage was refined for the young audience. The new possibiliry of Changgeuk is not only being faithful to Pansori grammar, but also to realize its modern musical potentials. Actually this is the report of the new possible atempt for Changgeuk musical in our time.