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Humor novels emphasize the important virtue of our lives - the joyous future, the value of family and love, the value of family and love, the faith towards good deeds bestowing value on laughter and joy. Farcical elements, optimistic outlooks, humor and wit is the root of humor novels. The humor novels in the 1930s usually have the optimistic outlooks such as overcoming danger that come upon a daily household with unexpected fortune and love. The laughter of humor novels usually comes from the blunders or abnormal behavior of serious and obstinate persons, making the spectators feel superior. Others include the use of ironic statement and linguistic laughing-stock. During the 1945-1960's, novels of short humor stories showed the general happiness of a petty bourgeois and optimistic prospects, which uses a lot of farcical elements that causes laughter, especially changing the sexual role of male and female. However, ultimately, it shows a conservative inclination of a comedy returning to a social standards. A long piece of humor novels at that time shows the features of a equalized comedy, such as an abnormal behavior, thought and action of a noble person, causing satirical and ridiculous laughter. In addition, a method of a lot of people with good intension planning a strategy for a love and marriage of a person is widely used.

Humor novels emphasize the important virtue of our lives - the joyous future, the value of family and love, the value of family and love, the faith towards good deeds bestowing value on laughter and joy. Farcical elements, optimistic outlooks, humor and wit is the root of humor novels. The humor novels in the 1930s usually have the optimistic outlooks such as overcoming danger that come upon a daily household with unexpected fortune and love. The laughter of humor novels usually comes from the blunders or abnormal behavior of serious and obstinate persons, making the spectators feel superior. Others include the use of ironic statement and linguistic laughing-stock. During the 1945-1960's, novels of short humor stories showed the general happiness of a petty bourgeois and optimistic prospects, which uses a lot of farcical elements that causes laughter, especially changing the sexual role of male and female. However, ultimately, it shows a conservative inclination of a comedy returning to a social standards. A long piece of humor novels at that time shows the features of a equalized comedy, such as an abnormal behavior, thought and action of a noble person, causing satirical and ridiculous laughter. In addition, a method of a lot of people with good intension planning a strategy for a love and marriage of a person is widely used.