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聯句詩는 여러 사람이 돌아가면서 시구를 나누어 짓고 이를 모아 한 편의 시를 이루는 시형식이다. 漢代 <栢梁臺詩>를 출발로 唐代 韓愈의 <城南聯句>와 <會合聯句>에 이르러 다양한 창작방식이 성립되었다. 조선시대 연구시는 희작적 성격 때문에 다른 시형식에 비해 소홀하게 여겨진 것도 사실이다.18세기 江華學人들 중 李大成의 후예들은 1755년 乙亥獄事에 연루되어 대다수가 극변으로 유배되는 참화를 겪게 되었다. 그 子姪들은 유독 同宗 내의 결속을 강화하면서 內修의 생활태도를 견지하였다. 이들에 의해 창작된 聯句詩는 어려운 현실에 처한 그들의 정신세계와 삶의 모습을 이해할 수 있는 자료이다. 그것은 다른 시형식과 달리 함께 참여하는 인사들의 마음을 소통시키는 연구시의 ‘情通’의 기능을 통해 드러난다. 이들은 가문의 유대를 결속유지하기 위해 연구시를 효율적으로 활용하였다. 특히 이들은 聯句를 통한 祭詩, 聯句 回文詩, 다양한 分聯方式 등 다양한 창작방법을 모색하였다. 이것은 한유에 의해 이루어진 자유로운 연구시 창작방식의 다양성을 더욱 발전시킨 것으로 평가되며, 연구시의 창작방법상 특징을 살피는데 많은 도움을 줄 수 있다.

Despite its long tradition and ample examples, successive couplet has not been focused by scholars thus far because of its characteristics for amusement. Successive couplet has been considered that it has little poetic connotation and is hard to show intro-concentration caused by its way expressing poet's feeling and its limit of rhythm. However, successive couplet has been loved and created for its attactive features; as Yim Seong-ju(任聖周) points out in his work, Sabong-yeon'gu(社峯聯句), Successive Couplet Song at Sabong, it produces an impartial and fellowship mind in creating it altogether among members. The Kanghwa School(江華學派) mainly consisted of Cheonju Yi clan in the late Choseon period, strongly addressed an essence of inner enlightenment(內修). To the members of Cheonju Yi clan following the Old Doctrine(老論), successive couplet was used for strengthening their connections as well as congenital ties after experiencing the political harassment as called Euilhae-oksa(乙亥獄事) in 1755. They tried to light successive couplet by employing it in various ways; to share the expression of grief by writing memorial address for a deceased friend and to enhance their poetic techniques by creating hwoimun-si(回文詩), a type of successive couplet. In conclusion, probably such successive couplet, an reflection of their scholarship and life style, contain their literary inclination influenced by the Wang Yang-ming School(陽明學派) in Choseon dynasty.

Despite its long tradition and ample examples, successive couplet has not been focused by scholars thus far because of its characteristics for amusement. Successive couplet has been considered that it has little poetic connotation and is hard to show intro-concentration caused by its way expressing poet's feeling and its limit of rhythm. However, successive couplet has been loved and created for its attactive features; as Yim Seong-ju(任聖周) points out in his work, Sabong-yeon'gu(社峯聯句), Successive Couplet Song at Sabong, it produces an impartial and fellowship mind in creating it altogether among members. The Kanghwa School(江華學派) mainly consisted of Cheonju Yi clan in the late Choseon period, strongly addressed an essence of inner enlightenment(內修). To the members of Cheonju Yi clan following the Old Doctrine(老論), successive couplet was used for strengthening their connections as well as congenital ties after experiencing the political harassment as called Euilhae-oksa(乙亥獄事) in 1755. They tried to light successive couplet by employing it in various ways; to share the expression of grief by writing memorial address for a deceased friend and to enhance their poetic techniques by creating hwoimun-si(回文詩), a type of successive couplet. In conclusion, probably such successive couplet, an reflection of their scholarship and life style, contain their literary inclination influenced by the Wang Yang-ming School(陽明學派) in Choseon dynasty.