초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Song, Eun-Kyong. 2002. No More PRO. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 27-1, 47-64. While the control theory describes the infinitival phrase as a sentence structure, this study proposes that it should be interpreted as a verb phrase. No theory so far has succeeded in providing a consistent explanation to prove the existence of the abstract element PRO, the motivation of PRO theory being more of a theoretical convenience than factual data. According to real data, VP is universally observed from an early aquisition stage to an adult stage, developing into two different structures(VP and S) in tensed sentences after parameter setting period. Another important feature differentiating VP and S is their meaning difference: VP refers to an individual entity of an action whereas S represents that of a proposition. Also, VP-analysis can better be incorporated into the minimalist program which purports the most economical bare structure eradicating nonessential elements in structural description. (Seoul National University)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

infinitival phrase, VP-hypothesis, universality, economy