초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Shin, Seung-Hoon. 2002. Constraint Conjunction and Distinctive Marker of Korean Noun Compounds. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 27-1, 65-86. This paper reconsiders t-insertion and sequential tensification and nasalization in Korean noun compounding. Given several cases of outputs, this paper proposes that tensification in lieu of t-insertion plays a crucial role in Korean noun compounding where [constricted glottis] is used to mark a noun compound, and that gemination applies and marks a noun compound when tensification cannot apply. In addition, relying on constraints and their interaction and relation such as constraint conjunction, it further accounts for multiple optimal outputs and an obligatory gemination case. (Dongseo University)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

t-insertion, Tensification, Gemination, Noun Compound, [congstricted glottis], Local Conjunction, Constraint Conjunction