초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Chung, Taegoo. 2007. An Event Structure Approach to the Korean Existential Construction. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 32-4, 779-801. This study proposes an event structure approach to the Korean existential construction -e issta, where the existential verb issta takes another verb/predicate as its complement. After it examines the problems with the previous work, the present study proposes the Extended Boundedness Condition which is based on the complex event structure of the existential construction: the complement predicate of the existential verb contains a bound in its event structure, which is the end point or the beginning point, or a bound in the property scale. It also gives an argument structure account for why most of the transitive verbs are not allowed in the construction. (Korea University)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

the existential construction, event structure, extended boundedness condition, telecity condition, no transitive verb condition, argument structure