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Yeo, Seungju. 2010. Syntax in Favor of Lexicon: A Case for Korean Nominals. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 35-1, 119-135. I propose that a syntactic account better captures commonality as well as divergence among different types of Korean nominals in a unified manner, without unnecessarily dividing nominalizing suffixes into distinct classes unlike a lexicalist analysis. Under the syntactic approach based on the Distributed Morphology, such a stipulation is no longer necessary. Various nominalizing suffixes, which were responsible for stipulative divisions of suffixes, are mere phonological spell-outs of the category-defining functional head n, spelled out at different phases of computation. Different types of nominals are spell-outs of what is the same process of merging a syntactic object with n at different points in the computation, that is, contextual variants of X-n. (Kyung Hee University)