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This paper is concerned with syntactic derivations of Transparent Free Relatives (TFRs). We first reviewed the two previous analyses: PF-deletion and Multiple Dominance (MD), but found conceptual and empirical problems. The deletion analysis suffers from a conceptual problem, in that PF-deletion is considered optional but forced in TFRs. The MD account fails to account for empirical facts centering around NPI-licensing. We propose an alternative that TFRs involve sideward movement. The TFR predicate is copied from the relative clause and merged to the main clause. As derivation proceeds, the TFR is adjoined to the head noun in the main clause. The copies of the TFR predicate are in a c-command relation, forming chain. Since non-distinct copies would induce a violation of the irreflexivity condition on linear order, one of the copies must delete by Chain Reduction. Sideward movement also resolves the intervention effect in NPI-licensing which poses a serious challenge to the MD account.