초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper proposes a syntactic analysis of lexical and syntactic causatives in Korean. Korean falls into the voice-splitting language type of Pylkkänen(2002)'s (contra Son(2006)). Lexical and syntactic causatives diverge depending on the size of syntactic structure that the functional head CAUSE, the locus for causation, embeds; a lexical causative has a structure where CAUSE merges directly to a Root Phrase, whereas in a syntactic causative, the functional head CAUSE merges with a phasal vP. The former forms a uniform phase as a whole, while the latter is double-phasal. The proposed analysis offers direct accounts to syntactic and morphological properties of lexical and syntactic causatives in Korean. Discussions in this paper support a syntax-formation approach to lexical causatives.