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본 논문은 대치명상의 심리치료에 대해 빨리 불전을 중심으로 다루었다. 대치명상은 대치하여 번뇌를 다스리는 수행법이다. 대치명상은 시간과 장소, 행동, 언어, 감정, 심리 대치명상으로 세분화하고, 치료대상은 인적, 정신적 요소, 낮은 단계와 높은 단계의 대상으로 구분하였다. 붓다의 치료사례를 통해 본 치료법은 사실대로 아는 치료, 완전한 치료, 지속적 치료, 다양한 치료라는 특징을 지니고 있다. 심리치료의 적용은 기질과 조건을 알고 시청각, 기억명상, 명상실천과 지속, 습관과 개인의 변화와 새로운 대치치료의 단계로 진행되어야 한다. 또한 심리치료 적용시에 기질고려, 속임수 간파, 치료능력배양 후 실질적 치료진행이 되도록 해야 한다. 위의 연구결과로 대치명상은 붓다의 가르침으로 자가치료, 단, 장기에 적용되는 치료, 적정치료, 모두에게 적용되는 치료, 복합치료요소를 가지고 있으며 경제적 장애가 없는 명상법임을 알 수 있었다.

This Paper deals with the Psychotherapy of Buddhist Replacement Meditation based on Pāli Canons. This is related with the conception and classification of Replacement Meditation, the Division of Therapy Objects and Buddha's Therapy Methods and Examples and Application Process of Psychotherapy and the Point of Consideration. Buddhist Replacement Meditation is a practice method which replaces one with another to destroy attachment or affliction. In this Replacement Meditation we could replace bad place with good place, bad time with good time. This called Time and Place Replacement Meditation(RM). Also there are Action RM which replaces bodily bad action with good action, Speech RM which replaces false speech, malicious talk, unkind talk, foolish gossip with true words, words that make for peace, kind words and useful words, Feeling RM which replaces unpleasant feeling with pleasant feeling, Psychic RM which replaces wrong view with right view, wrong thought with right thought, lust with impurity contemplation, anger with loving-kindness contemplation, delusion with cause and effect contemplation and so on. And Therapy Objects are divided according to person, mental elements, stage and so on. Buddha's therapy method could be regarded as a prefect, continuous and various therapy which knows what it was. We can see to cure their suffering and problems in Buddha's Therapy Examples, for example Dhaniya, Aṅguḷimāla, Kisāgotamī, Khemā etc. In the application of Psychotherapy it should be proceeded clearly knowing, investigating personal temper and condition, using audio visual data, remembering, practicing, continuous going, behavior modification, personal changing and replacing new therapy step by step. Therapists have to consider personal temper, recognize someone's deceit and develop his therapy capacity in order to attain real therapy. Processing form what has been said above it is known to us that RM is a Meditation Method called Self Therapy, short-term and long-term Therapy, Therapy for everyone, Fusion Therapy and economical useful Therapy. This study lays the foundation for future work on the relationship between various Buddhist Meditation and Psychotherapy.