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흔히 이 시대를 ‘생태학의 시대’라 한다. 생태학을 떠나서는 인간과 자연의 관계에 대해, 인간의 삶에 대해 더 이상 이야기하기가 어렵다는 말이다. 생태학은 이 시대의 시대적 요청이다. 무슨 이유인가? 한마디로 생태학이 위기 담론의 중심에 있기 때문이다. 그리고 그 위기 담론의 핵심이 곧 ‘인식의 위기’이다. 뭔가 세상을 잘못 보고 있다는 말이다. 그래서 새로운 ‘단서’를 제시하고, 세계관에 대한 ‘역사적 및 철학적 이해’를 새롭게 요청하고 있다. 이 글의 목적은 이러한 문제의식의 연장선상에서 생태적 이념을 중심으로 당면한 문화예술 교육 일반의 기본적인 방향성을 모색하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 우선 왜 생태인가, 그리고 생태란 무엇인가를 먼저 논한다. 생태적 이념을 정립하는 것이 논의를 위한 기본 전제일 것이기 때문이다. 물론 내용 구성은 문화예술 교육 전반에 관한 것이 아니라 제한적이다. 필자의 주관적인 관심사에 치중한 탓도 있지만, 필자의 무지도 그 원인의 일부이다. 부분적인 문제의식과 제한적인 접근방식이 불가피하다. 그나마 이에 대해서도 명확한 해답을 제시하고 있는 것은 아니다. 또 답이 될 수도 없다. 논의의 적절성 내지 타당성을 논하고 따지는 활발한 토의가 이루어져야 한다. 또한 그래야 마땅하다. 이 글의 전개와 구성 방식 자체가 이미 그 가능성을 열어놓고 있을 뿐 아니라, 활발한 토의가 오히려 이념적 목표 설정과 그 방법론적 전제의 완성도를 높여 갈 것이기 때문이다. 교육은 완성된 탑이 아니라 성장하는 나무와 같은 것이 아닐까.

Ecology is a current thoughts and the trend of our times. So it is called our age 'Age of Ecology'. It should be clear from this that it is difficult to discuss about the relation human and nature, human life. My main concerns in this paper has been to make sense out of the relation of the ecological ideas and the phase of our time. But there were many difficulties. One of the severest difficulties is that ecological ideas are very wide and obscured. Most of the literature on ecology merely paraphrase their limited texts without clarifying what ecology generally means. Another common difficulty has been that commentators have frequently tried to discuss too many of ecological ideas in too little space, with the result that the points of ecological claims are not made clear. To avoid both of these problems, this paper is limited to a relatively small number of important points in ecological ideas. It is not intended to be a clear and thorough account of some texts, but a definitive account of ecological ideas as follow. 1) ecosystem as the concept of a world 2) ecosystem as a value system 3) ecosystem as a life world 4) ecosystem as a idea My hope of making sense out of the points of ecological ideas is oriented to establish educational foundation in culture and fine arts. In most of the ensuing discussion I have started by asking certain questions that have been discussed among teachers and in the classes. My position with respect to these questions has been reconstructed as follow. 1) expansion of vale(numerous value system 2) emotional design education 3) distribution of cultural sources 4. love and education

Ecology is a current thoughts and the trend of our times. So it is called our age 'Age of Ecology'. It should be clear from this that it is difficult to discuss about the relation human and nature, human life. My main concerns in this paper has been to make sense out of the relation of the ecological ideas and the phase of our time. But there were many difficulties. One of the severest difficulties is that ecological ideas are very wide and obscured. Most of the literature on ecology merely paraphrase their limited texts without clarifying what ecology generally means. Another common difficulty has been that commentators have frequently tried to discuss too many of ecological ideas in too little space, with the result that the points of ecological claims are not made clear. To avoid both of these problems, this paper is limited to a relatively small number of important points in ecological ideas. It is not intended to be a clear and thorough account of some texts, but a definitive account of ecological ideas as follow. 1) ecosystem as the concept of a world 2) ecosystem as a value system 3) ecosystem as a life world 4) ecosystem as a idea My hope of making sense out of the points of ecological ideas is oriented to establish educational foundation in culture and fine arts. In most of the ensuing discussion I have started by asking certain questions that have been discussed among teachers and in the classes. My position with respect to these questions has been reconstructed as follow. 1) expansion of vale(numerous value system 2) emotional design education 3) distribution of cultural sources 4. love and education