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J. Maritain에 의하면 시(Poetry)는 사물들의 내면적 존재와 인간적 자아의 내면적 존재사이의 상호통교를 말한다. 이러한 의미에서 시는 모든 예술의 하나하나의 은밀한 생명인 것이다하나의 작품으로서의 시가 탄생되기 이전에 시인은 시적 인식을 갖게 되는데, 이 시적 인식 즉 시적 직관은 시가 근원을 두고 있는 영혼의 가장 깊은 곳으로부터 오는 일종의 음악적 전율이다. 그것은 어떤 낱말도, 소리도 없고, 귀로 들을 수도 없고, 오로지 가슴(마음)으로 느낄 뿐이다. 이러한 시적 직관은 지성의 비개념적 기능인 전의식의 삶으로부터 탄생한다. 그러므로 그것은 일종의 내재적이고 선천적인 인식이다. 이러한 시적 직관은 오직 작품 안에서만 열매를 맺을 수 있기 때문에 그 시초부터 작업을 향하고 있으며 창조를 위한 자극으로 존재한다. 시는 본질상 창조이며 무엇인가를 존재에로 형성해내는 지성적 행위이다. 이러한 시의 본질은 존재를 말(언어)로서 밝히고 그것을 빛 속에 드러나게 하는 데에 있다. 시인은 존재와의 긴밀한 결합으로 시 속에서 시인의 존재의 실재 자체를 우리에게 드러낸다. 시인은 직관적 주의력을 통하여 참자아의 소리를 들을 수 있고, 외부 사물 속에 내재된 실재의 소리를 들을 수 있다. 시인은 비가시적인 존재를 노래함으로써, 우리들로 하여금 우리들이 볼 수 없었던 참존재인 존재를 볼 수 있게 한다.

According to Martain,s argument, poetry is a kind of intercommunication between the inner being of things and the inner being of the human Self. In this argument, the poetry is the hidden life of each field of art itself. Before the birth of a poem as a work, a poet must have a poetic knowledge namely a kind of poetic intuition that is a musical shiver coming from the most deep level of soul to which the poetry owes its origin. There is not any word or sound which is equivalent to the intuition so that it cannot to be heard, and can be only felt by one's heart. The poetic intuition can be spurt from  preconsciousness which is a unconceptual function of intellect. Therefore, it is a immanent, inborn cognizance. Since the poetic intuition can bear fruit only when the poetic work is written down, it directs toward a work or writing from the beginning; hence, it should exists as a creative impetus. Consequently, poetry in itself is essentially a creation and simultaneously is a intellectual conducting something to get into an existence. Therefore, the essence of poetry is based on the activities through which the  true existences turned out to words and finally to be exposed to the practice. A poet exposes the true existence of himself in a poem through the fusion of him with the true existences of objective things. He can hear the sound of true self-consciousness which is hidden deeply in his own subliminal existence through his intuitional attention. He can also hear the immanent sound of true existences of objective things which he looks and recognizes through his intuitional attention. Poet conducts us to be able to see the reality of true existence which we usually cannot see through the expressing of the invisible existences.

According to Martain,s argument, poetry is a kind of intercommunication between the inner being of things and the inner being of the human Self. In this argument, the poetry is the hidden life of each field of art itself. Before the birth of a poem as a work, a poet must have a poetic knowledge namely a kind of poetic intuition that is a musical shiver coming from the most deep level of soul to which the poetry owes its origin. There is not any word or sound which is equivalent to the intuition so that it cannot to be heard, and can be only felt by one's heart. The poetic intuition can be spurt from  preconsciousness which is a unconceptual function of intellect. Therefore, it is a immanent, inborn cognizance. Since the poetic intuition can bear fruit only when the poetic work is written down, it directs toward a work or writing from the beginning; hence, it should exists as a creative impetus. Consequently, poetry in itself is essentially a creation and simultaneously is a intellectual conducting something to get into an existence. Therefore, the essence of poetry is based on the activities through which the  true existences turned out to words and finally to be exposed to the practice. A poet exposes the true existence of himself in a poem through the fusion of him with the true existences of objective things. He can hear the sound of true self-consciousness which is hidden deeply in his own subliminal existence through his intuitional attention. He can also hear the immanent sound of true existences of objective things which he looks and recognizes through his intuitional attention. Poet conducts us to be able to see the reality of true existence which we usually cannot see through the expressing of the invisible existences.