초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Protection and support of crime victim is an unavoidable assignment of time. In the midst of such current of time, history of victim support in our country has entered into a period of growth. The perception of government or local government has also significantly changed on victim support. The foundation of legislative support has also been prepared even though not at satisfactory level. It is now necessary to improve and advance areas of improvement while further reinforcing victim support. From the legislative aspect related to criminal case procedure, it is necessary to modify redundant provisions related to support, stipulate the notification of victim's right, prevent secondary damage during investigation process, guarantee the right to receive attorney's assistance, protect victim's identity, etc. Related to support group, it is necessary to faithfully fulfill the obligations of national and local governments, provide swift protection and support, form national level network and activities, ensure the independence of private support groups, reinforce the expertise of support staff and provide stable compensation, ensure stable finance and provide reasonable financial support, strengthen promotion activities, alleviate the differences in crime victim support, etc.