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이 연구는 정신지체 초등학생 193명의 적응행동 기술 중 실제적 기술 영역에 대한 발달 현황을 분석한 것이다. 검사 도구는 파라다이스 한국표준 적응행동검사를 사용하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면 특수학교에 재학하고 있는 정신지체 초등학생의 실제적 기술 평균은 36점 만점에 20.0점이었는데, 이는 비장애학생의 3세 수준에 해당하는 점수다. 특히 정신지체 초등학생의 대부분은 10세까지도 평균 20점에 미치지 못하는 실제적 기술 점수를 획득하였는데, 초등학교 고학년의 시작인 4학년 11세가 되어서야 비로소 3세 수준 유아의 사회적 기술 수준에 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 용의, 식사, 위생, 일상생활 기술의 향상을 위하여 학교와 가정이 연계된 정신지체 학생의 실제적 기술 능력 향상을 목적으로 하는 프로그램의 개발과 보급이 요청된다고 할 수 있다.

The purpose of this study was to find out development of practical skills of 193 children with mental retardation who were in elementary special schools. The test tool was Paradise Korea Standard Adaptive Behavior Scale. The results of this study indicated that children with mental retardation at the elementary special schools acquired mean of 20 out of 36 in the 18 questionnaires. This mean 20 is the same results of 3 years old non handicapped infants in the practical skills. Most children with mental retardation did not get over mean 20 till 10 years old. Especially they got the same level of 3 years of non handicapped infants at the age of 11 in the practical skills. This result showed that children with mental retardation at the elementary special schools need more experiences of learning for their practical skills in schools and their homes.

The purpose of this study was to find out development of practical skills of 193 children with mental retardation who were in elementary special schools. The test tool was Paradise Korea Standard Adaptive Behavior Scale. The results of this study indicated that children with mental retardation at the elementary special schools acquired mean of 20 out of 36 in the 18 questionnaires. This mean 20 is the same results of 3 years old non handicapped infants in the practical skills. Most children with mental retardation did not get over mean 20 till 10 years old. Especially they got the same level of 3 years of non handicapped infants at the age of 11 in the practical skills. This result showed that children with mental retardation at the elementary special schools need more experiences of learning for their practical skills in schools and their homes.