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Relations of History and Folk-culture Study The purpose of this paper is to suggest the historical, social and bibliographical approaches for folk-culture study. some of customs and values produced in traditional period are yet remained, but social structure has been changed. So, to reconstruct the past folk life styles, such various kinds of approaches are unavoidable and indispensable conditions. Through such approaches and works we can find the pattern, norm, and ideology about past society. Interdisciplinary study and Research Methods I have tried to find especially relations of economy and society through folk customs, values and ideology. Analysis for such subject needs various kinds of methods and materials, such as local topographies, anthologies, historical materials, research materials etc. But researchers can easily be placed on confusing situation because of various criteria which are hidden in research objects and materials. So we must control some core variables. One of methods is to choose the villages and families who have numerous such materials. And above all the most important work is to prepare the detailed and elaborated historical methods and perspectives. Strategies for Historical Folk-culture Study I think that making plans or projects are hereafter needed for reconstructing the past folk life styles. And for successful study, specialists of various disciplines are gathered in periodic seminars. In add to that, regional specialists must be participated. Because folk-culture study and folk culture itself is synthetic, that is, historical, social, material, ideological and regional.

Relations of History and Folk-culture Study The purpose of this paper is to suggest the historical, social and bibliographical approaches for folk-culture study. some of customs and values produced in traditional period are yet remained, but social structure has been changed. So, to reconstruct the past folk life styles, such various kinds of approaches are unavoidable and indispensable conditions. Through such approaches and works we can find the pattern, norm, and ideology about past society. Interdisciplinary study and Research Methods I have tried to find especially relations of economy and society through folk customs, values and ideology. Analysis for such subject needs various kinds of methods and materials, such as local topographies, anthologies, historical materials, research materials etc. But researchers can easily be placed on confusing situation because of various criteria which are hidden in research objects and materials. So we must control some core variables. One of methods is to choose the villages and families who have numerous such materials. And above all the most important work is to prepare the detailed and elaborated historical methods and perspectives. Strategies for Historical Folk-culture Study I think that making plans or projects are hereafter needed for reconstructing the past folk life styles. And for successful study, specialists of various disciplines are gathered in periodic seminars. In add to that, regional specialists must be participated. Because folk-culture study and folk culture itself is synthetic, that is, historical, social, material, ideological and regional.