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정자각은 왕릉에 모셔진 왕이나 왕후의 혼백에게 제향을 드리는 의식공간이다. 정(丁)자 모양의 독특한 형태를 지닌 정자각은 왕실의 제사를 드리는 기능에 의해 형성되어 있었다. 때문에 이러한 정자각은 왕실 의례의 숭고함과 왕권의 존엄함을 상징적으로 드러내어 궁궐의 정전과 마찬가지로 국력을 동원하여 당당한 규모로 조성하였고 화려한 단청도 칠하였다. 그러나 세워진지 400년이 지난 현재, 정자각의 건물 외관이나 단청은 본래의 장엄함을 어느 정도 유지하고 있으나 내부 시설은 원래의 모습을 알 수 없을 정도로 훼손되어 있는 상태이다. 따라서 본 논문은 조선후기에 조영된 왕릉 정자각의 내부를 국가의 제사를 거행했던 조선 후기의 신성한 의식 공간으로서 원형대로 복원하려는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 조선후기에 정자각을 건립할 당시의 시말을 기록한 『산릉도감의궤』를 연구 대상으로 삼아 다음과 같은 사실을 밝혀 보았다. 첫째, 정자각의 벽과 바닥은 기록대로 조성해야 한다. 벽에는 3겹으로 종이를 발라야 하고, 바닥에는 2중으로 왕골 돗자리를 깔며, 문에는 대나무 발[朱簾]을 걸어야 한다. 둘째, 정자각의 공간에는 제사를 드리기 위한 각종 儀物을 제작해서 배치해야 한다. 혼백을 모시는 신어평상을 북쪽에 놓고, 그 앞쪽으로 제사상, 향상, 촛대 등을 배치한다. 상 위에는 천을 덮고, 종이를 깔아야 한다. 이와 같이 건물 내부가 조성 당시의 원형대로 복원이 된다면 조선 왕릉의 위엄이 되살아날 것이다. 또한 이를 통하여 세계문화유산으로서 조선 왕릉의 의미와 가치가 더욱 고양될 것으로 기대된다.

Jeongjagaks for sacrifice rite before royal mausoleum were a ceremonial space where religious rites were performed in honor of the spirits of the kings or queens enshrined in the mausoleum. The T-shape of the houses were due to the its particular function to be used for ancestral rites. Like royal palaces, houses of this kind were constructed with all the power and energy of the nation and decorated with beautiful traditional patterns of many colors since they were a symbol of the dignity of the king. However, 400 years after their construction, such houses still maintain their external pompous appearance or the pattern of many colors as they were in the past but their interiors are so much destroyed that their original form cannot be understood today. In this regard, this thesis aims to restore the original form of the interiors of the T-shaped houses as they stood in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty when they were constructed and used for performing holy ceremonies or national sacrifices. To do that, the present author has researched into the Norm of Sacred Manners and Customs prepared by the national agency in charge of the Mountainous Royal Tomb, which describes all the details of the construction of the T-shaped house dedicated to King Injo in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty. The following are the findings of the research. First, it is necessary that the walls and floor of the T-shaped house should be constructed in compliance with the descriptions stated in the norm. The walls should be covered with three layers of paper, a double sedge mat should be placed on the floor, and a bamboo blind varnishing with red lacquer should be hung over the door. Second, various articles for sacrificial rites should be brought and layed out in the T-shaped house. A flat bench should be put in the north direction in order to serve the spirit, and before the table should be placed 4 sacrificial table, a fragrant desk, a candlestick, etc. for holding memorial services. Over the surface of the table should be placed pieces of cloths and papers as a covering. If the original form of the building is recovered in the above-mentioned manner, the dignity of royal mausoleums constructed during the period of the Joseon Dynasty should be also restored. Then, it is expected that the significance and value of the royal mausoleums built in that period can be more highly enhanced as a world cultural heritage.

Jeongjagaks for sacrifice rite before royal mausoleum were a ceremonial space where religious rites were performed in honor of the spirits of the kings or queens enshrined in the mausoleum. The T-shape of the houses were due to the its particular function to be used for ancestral rites. Like royal palaces, houses of this kind were constructed with all the power and energy of the nation and decorated with beautiful traditional patterns of many colors since they were a symbol of the dignity of the king. However, 400 years after their construction, such houses still maintain their external pompous appearance or the pattern of many colors as they were in the past but their interiors are so much destroyed that their original form cannot be understood today. In this regard, this thesis aims to restore the original form of the interiors of the T-shaped houses as they stood in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty when they were constructed and used for performing holy ceremonies or national sacrifices. To do that, the present author has researched into the Norm of Sacred Manners and Customs prepared by the national agency in charge of the Mountainous Royal Tomb, which describes all the details of the construction of the T-shaped house dedicated to King Injo in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty. The following are the findings of the research. First, it is necessary that the walls and floor of the T-shaped house should be constructed in compliance with the descriptions stated in the norm. The walls should be covered with three layers of paper, a double sedge mat should be placed on the floor, and a bamboo blind varnishing with red lacquer should be hung over the door. Second, various articles for sacrificial rites should be brought and layed out in the T-shaped house. A flat bench should be put in the north direction in order to serve the spirit, and before the table should be placed 4 sacrificial table, a fragrant desk, a candlestick, etc. for holding memorial services. Over the surface of the table should be placed pieces of cloths and papers as a covering. If the original form of the building is recovered in the above-mentioned manner, the dignity of royal mausoleums constructed during the period of the Joseon Dynasty should be also restored. Then, it is expected that the significance and value of the royal mausoleums built in that period can be more highly enhanced as a world cultural heritage.