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본고는 최근 농약과 화학비료 등에 의해 생태계가 교란되고 있는 상황 속에서 과거에는 곡물의 해충을 어떤 방식으로 방제했는가를 살핌으로써 향후 자연과 인간이 이 땅에서 상호 공생할 수 있는 방법을 모색하고자 연구하게 된 것이다. 『陳旉農書』에서는 唐宋시기를 전후하여 해충에 대한 인식변화가 있었음을 말해 준다. 고대에는 神에게 의탁하여 害蟲의 문제를 해결하고자 하였으나 唐代에 이르면 황충 자체에 충격을 주는 방식으로 인식이 바뀌었다. 그 후 메뚜기를 잡는 것을 현상 공모하거나 宋代에는 메뚜기 잡는 法을 제정하기도 하고, 金나라 章宗왕 때에 메뚜기 잡는 그림을 널리 유포하기도 하였다. 明淸시대가 되면 사후 대책이 아니라 황충의 발생시기와 발생지점을 추적하여 근본 치료를 할 수 있는 방법으로 변화되었다. 그리고 이러한 직접적인 방제방법과는 달리 고대사회에는 해충으로부터 미리 농작물을 건강하게 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가에 주목하였다. 각종 토지이용법과 시비법 및 제초방법 등의 개발이 그것이다. 게다가 생태계의 먹이사슬을 이용하여 해충을 박멸하는 방식도 권장하였다. 최근 생물학적 방제를 가미한 종합적인 해충 방제법에 대한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구가 그러한 연구에 일정한 보탬이 되기를 바란다.

This paper tries to explore the ways for future mutual symbiosis between nature and human beings, by examining how people controlled the grain pest in the past, in the recent situation of disrupted ecosystem brought by agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers. “The book of praying and repaying” in Chenfunongshu, published in the Song Dynasty,attributed the constant famine and the displaced subjects due to the disasters of drought and pest to negligence in praying and repaying to God, in worship services. This explains the change in perception of pest before and after the period of Tang and Song Dynasties. The countermeasures after the pest breaks out varied according to the eras. The ancient era saw locusts as insects of God and stressed that the monarch should solve the problem with his humane affection, trying to solve the problem of pest depending on God. Coming to the Tang Dynasty, however, the perception of pest had been drastically changed, and the countermeasure was changed into that of inflicting damage to locusts themselves. People caught and buried locusts, or burned them to death,which reflects their change of perception from that of seeing locusts as divine insects brought by the heaven. Afterwards, the Houjin Dynasty made the subjects join in locust hunting, the Song Dynasty established a law for locust hunting, and the Jin Dynasty distributed the illustration of locust hunting all over the kingdom, which explains the development into the countermeasure of locust hunting. The Ming and Qing Dynasties see an appearance of a comprehensive control measure against locusts as a collection of observations and experiences so far, and Nongzhengquanshu in the Ming Dynasty, written by Xuguangqi, suggested an effective prevention measure against the damage by locusts, which was to eradicate locusts before they grow into adults. Referring to Wuzazu’s observation that locusts come from fish eggs, Xuguangqi saw, from the fact that shrimps and locusts resembled one another in form and quality,that they come from shrimp eggs. It is noteworthy that they paid attention to the identification of the cause which could track down the time and place of the outbreak of locusts and take radical measures, which are no follow-up countermeasures at all. Those locust eradication measures include burning paddy levees, changing the soil in which the eggs might be laid, finding and eliminating the locust eggs. Other than these direct control measures, the ancient society also took note of how to keep the crops from pest in advance. It is exemplified by the development of various land usages, fertilizer application methods, and weeding methods. In premodern societies, furthermore, it was recommended, though in a limited scale, to make use of the higher and lower food chains in ecosystem like birds, green frogs and others, which had been discovered by a long experience, in eradicating pests. Recently, the researches on an integrated control which includes the biological controls like those advanced in the past history of China, and all other effective control methods are being carried out for the healthy agricultural products protected from the damage from agricultural chemicals and human health. This study hopes to be beneficial to these efforts of scientific ecology.