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The purpose of this study is to discover the symbiotic life of the Christianity community under capitalism, especially in the globalism flow; further purposes are to find a Biblical model that can be a new perceptional frame and at the same time to find Korean ideals in the moral theory of possessing, sharing, power, and distribution for mutual life-giving. In order to realize the mission to “Revive your relationship with yourself, revive your relationship with your neighbors, revive your relationship with nature, and revive your relationship with God’ which is a common goal for mutual life-giving on the earth”, it is necessary to understand the current crisis situation derived from the broken relationship between humanity and humanity, which has been expressed most directly recently. In addition, as a perceptional frame to form a partner-like leadership in order to independently practice mutual life-giving in this situation, this study examines the partner-like leadership model of Paul and Apollos from the Church at Corinth, which was an early Christian community. Also the perceptional frame of the unique Korean ideal called Global Life (Jang Hoi-ik) would be appropriate. The fundamental effort to revive the relationship between humanity and humanity comes from having a wholeness perception on life. Jang Hoi-ik views the general meaning of life as a self-sufficient unit that can survive without any external help, and sees the things within that system as Global Life. The key to the Global Life concept is that life;which is often thought of in terms of humans, animals, and plants;is not just something that exists as an individual unit. More specifically,individual lives are components of a large organism referred to as the One True Life. The concept of Global Life is based on the concept of life as defined by the theory of thermodynamics. Individual Life also has a relatively independent spiritual aspect that survives after the body dies. However, Global Life cannot exist without individual life, and vise versa. The value of Global Life absolutely contains the value of individual life. Therefore, the two concepts cannot be compared because they cannot be viewed separately. Jang Hoi-ik’s primary concern is that people see only the individual lives without seeing the Global Life. These two need to be seen together. It is wrong to think that the term Global Life means that the entire cosmos has a life. Actually, Global Life exists within an extremely limited scope of time and space, and the vast majority of the cosmos is utterly lifeless. According to the theory of Global Life,individual life exists within Global Life and is mutually-dependant on co-life. Humanity exists within Global Life and has been compared with abnormal cancer cells. It is a well-known fact that cancer cells forget their roles inside the body and expand their numbers without control. Humanity is made up of individual lives that exist in a symbiotic,utterly-dependent relationship with Global Life. Humanity is also aware of its actions, yet it continues to destroy Global Life. When the existing trend of life is viewed by using the chain of cause and effect through the underlying laws of nature, forms of life and co-life are intermingled in such a way as that they cannot be separated from each other, and their combination consists of the whole existence that is independent from external conditions, called Global Life. Therefore, Global Life is a totality of life that is able to support the activites of life without fundamental support from the outside. Therefore, it should be correct to call this (and only this) ‘Life’, but since the term life is used in various ways, it is necessary to call this ‘Global Life’ meaning ‘The Totality of Life’.