초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper proposes solidarity of marriage migrant women and their husbands based on Christian Theology as a crucial way for addressing human rights violations of marriage migrant women. Marriage migrant women in Korea have been experiencing discrimination and oppression. Specifically, they are exploited,harassed, expelled, or driven to death by their husbands. While human rights of marriage migrant women are directly infringed by their husbands, socioeconomic, political, and cultural situations are the indirect but crucial factor of such infringements. Antagonism between marriage migrant women and their husbands is the result of socioeconomic, cultural, political conflicts. The identification of their husbands as victimizers and an exclusive focus on promoting human rights of marriage migrant women cannot be a sustainable solution, since their husbands are isolated from the solution, with whom they need to construct their healthy family life. A constructive solution for promoting human rights of marriage migrant women is solidarity of marriage migrant women and their husbands. Christian theological concepts, specifically, the image of God and Trinity undergird solidarity of marriage migrant women and their husbands as well as human rights of marriage migrant women. The image of God, which emphasizes sacredness of human beings, provides a fundamental foundation of human rights; The perichoretic relationship of the Triune God, which means a community of care and love, necessitates solidarity of different others. Based on the theology of the image of God and Trinity, Korean churches need to have Christian mission that works toward solidarity of them in such a way as to protect human rights of marriage migrant women,overcoming tribalism and nationalism on the one hand and individualistic faith and a hierarchical church system on the other.

본고는차별과고통속에서살아가고있는결혼이민여성의인권신장을 위한 방법으로 기독교 신학에 바탕을 둔 연대, 결혼이민여성과그남편의연대를제시하고있다. 현재한국에서결혼이민여성들은차별과 고통을 당하며 살아가고 있는데, 특별히 그들의 남편들로부터 착취,학대, 추방, 심지어는 죽음으로 내몰리고 있다. 결혼이민여성들의차별과고통은사회경제적, 정치적, 문화적이유들이 있으며, 그러한 다차원적인 이유들이 결혼이민여성과 남편들의갈등에 집약되고, 피해는 고스란히 결혼이민여성들에게 돌아간다. 이문제를 해결하기 위해서 결혼이민여성의 인권회복에만 초점을 맞추는것은근본적인해결이되지못하는데, 그들의공동삶을구성하는남편들을소외시키기때문이다. 결혼이민여성들의 인권 보호와신장을위해서는 결혼이민부부의 연대가 무엇보다도 중요하고 근원적이다. 하나님의형상으로창조된인간관과삼위일체신학은그들의연대에중요한기초를 제공한다. 하나님의 형상은 인간 존재의 신성성을 제시하며 인권의근거를 제공하고, 페리코레시스의 삼위일체는 공동체성이 인간 존재에내재해 있음과 동시에 공동체의 관계가 돌봄과 배려에 기초해야 함을보여준다. 삼위일체와하나님의형상으로창조된인간관은한국기독교선교와 교회문화의 부정적인 측면을 개선하도록 요청한다. 다시 말해서기독교 선교에있어서 자문화중심적, 민족중심적, 권위주의적, 개인주의적선교관과교회관을넘어서서, 돌봄과배려의공동체와인간의존엄성을바탕으로한선교와교회를추구하도록요청하며, 이런선교의변화는갈등관계에있는타자들의연대를촉진시키며, 결혼이민여성들의인권을보호하고 신장하는 데 기여하게 될 것이다.