초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy between input-based instruction and output-based instruction for acquisition of the English present perfect continuous tense. Seventy second-year university EFL students were divided into two groups based on the results of a reading proficiency test. The superior effects of output-based instructions in previous studies seemed to be due to its elaborateness in feedback and cognitive demand. Thus, the comprehension group conducted more elaborate comprehension task with textually enhanced material, while the production group performed a dictogloss which was modified to unify the modality of input for both groups. Pre- and post-test data were analyzed by using the T-test. Results showed that input-based instruction was as effective as output-based instruction in both the comprehension and production of the target form. It also revealed that output-based instruction contributed to the learners’ accurate use of the target form. Over-crowded classrooms and teachers with inappropriate English speaking abilities are the norms in an EFL context. This study shows that input-based instructions may be good alternatives in such a context.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
input-based instruction, input enhancement, output-based instruction, output hypothesis