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The purpose of this research is to examine empirically the effect relationship between confucian cultures and trust in China. Especially, We focus on how the trust in specific group affects general trust by regression analysis and correlation analysis. The research reveals that : the level of general trust is lower than that of trust in specific group in China. But it doesn't mean that the latter has negative influence on the former. Conversely, the result exceeded the expectation, the trust in regional group and the trust in schoolfellow group affects general trust positively. We think that it is most interesting part that the trust in blood relationship likable to be caused by confucian cultures, did not affect the level of general trust within statistical range. From these results, We deduce that the trust in a personnel of a specific group would be act as the factor to consolidate the trust in many and unspecified persons in general society.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Confucian Cultures, Trust, Trust in Specific Group, General Trust, China