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This study examined the generation of conjunctive endings, phonetic changes, and semantic function attrition of ends based on Beonyeoknogeoldae·Beonyeokbaktongsa dating from the 16th century, Nogeolda-eonhae·Baktongsa-eonhae dating from the 17th century, and Junggannogeoldae-eonhae·Baktongsasinseokeonhae dating from the 18th century.The following are the major findings of this study. 1) New conjunctive endings that formed were ‘-ㄹ쟉시면’ and ‘-면셔.’ The generation of conjunctive endings was caused by the attachment of existing conjunctive endings, words, or other morphemes to certain existing conjunctive endings. It is presumed that these conjunctive endings were newly generated because speakers desired to use various new expressions. 2) Phonetic changes were generally caused by the elimination of /ㅿ/ in ‘-거/어’ and ‘-아/어.’ ‘-’ was changed into ‘-야’ and ‘-’ was first changed into ‘-서’ and later to ‘-아.’ In addition, ‘-거’ was combined with ‘-어야’ after the 19th century. 3) The ending that underwent semantic function attrition was ‘-락~-락.’ The meaning of this ending was: 'a movement or condition changes to another movement or condition.’ In the modern Korean language, it was combined with words that showed contrast, affirmation or negativity.

This study examined the generation of conjunctive endings, phonetic changes, and semantic function attrition of ends based on Beonyeoknogeoldae·Beonyeokbaktongsa dating from the 16th century, Nogeolda-eonhae·Baktongsa-eonhae dating from the 17th century, and Junggannogeoldae-eonhae·Baktongsasinseokeonhae dating from the 18th century.The following are the major findings of this study. 1) New conjunctive endings that formed were ‘-ㄹ쟉시면’ and ‘-면셔.’ The generation of conjunctive endings was caused by the attachment of existing conjunctive endings, words, or other morphemes to certain existing conjunctive endings. It is presumed that these conjunctive endings were newly generated because speakers desired to use various new expressions. 2) Phonetic changes were generally caused by the elimination of /ㅿ/ in ‘-거/어’ and ‘-아/어.’ ‘-’ was changed into ‘-야’ and ‘-’ was first changed into ‘-서’ and later to ‘-아.’ In addition, ‘-거’ was combined with ‘-어야’ after the 19th century. 3) The ending that underwent semantic function attrition was ‘-락~-락.’ The meaning of this ending was: 'a movement or condition changes to another movement or condition.’ In the modern Korean language, it was combined with words that showed contrast, affirmation or negativity.