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이 논문은 ‘공포와 희망의 정치’의 사유노선에 서서 대중의 등장과 그에 따른 사회운동의 방향변화에 대해서 정리해 보고자 한다. 대중 개념은 군중, 인민, ‘대중’, 국민 개념과 대비되며, 상이한 문화, 인종, 인종성, 젠더, 성적 지향, 상이한 노동형태, 상이한 생활방식, 상이한 세계관, 상이한 욕망 등등 수많은 내적 차이들로 이루어져 있어 통일적인 혹은 단일한 정체성으로 결코 환원될 수 없다. 그리고 맑스주의적 계급개념이 배제적인 개념인데 반해서 대중 개념은 포괄적인 개념이며, ‘자본주의 아래에서 살고 일하는 모든 사람’을 의미하는 것으로 확장된다. 특히 임금노동을 하지 않는 다양한 주민층인 빈민을 포함하게 된다. 이러한 대중은 서구에서는 68혁명 이후에, 한국에서는 1987년 노동자․농민 대투쟁 이후 다양한 욕망을 담지한 채 나타났다. 노동자계급의 내적인 분화와 다양화 속에서 대중의 노동형상이 다양화되고 더욱 더 비물질적 노동의 특성을 띠어 간다. 이러한 새로운 주체로서의 대중의 등장과 함께 사회운동의 투쟁방식과 방향이 변하고 있다. 1960년대에 나타난 게릴라 투쟁모델은 집중제의 단말마를 보여주며 네트워크 투쟁으로 나아가는 과도적 형식들이라고 할 수 있다. 1970년대 이탈리아의 자율운동에서 나타난 네트워크투쟁은 그 이후 사회운동의 방식으로서 널리 확산되며 대안세계화운동에서 절정에 달한다. 또한 네트워크투쟁으로의 변화과정 속에서 대중의 욕망투쟁과 주체성생산투쟁이 활발히 전개되기 시작한다. 기존의 이해투쟁과 대비되는 욕망투쟁의 전개 속에서 대중은 자본이 부과한 자본주의적 주체성생산에 대항하여 각종 시설들 속에서 다양한 일상적 파업을 통해 자본의 훈육을 거부하면서 색다른 주체성 생산(특이화)을 시도한다. 자신의 특이성을 확인하고 색다른 자유의 공간을 만들어 가려고 한다. 더욱 다양한 코뮨에 대한 실험이 이루어지고 자율운동들, 다양한 욕망투쟁들, 소수자운동들이 자율성에 기반하여 활성화되고 기존의 운동들과 접속되면서 거대한 변화를 가져올 수 있을 것이다.

This article tries to describe the appearance of multitude and the change of orientation of social movement according to the thought line of 'the politics of fear and desire'. The concept 'multitude' is contrasted with concepts like crowd, people, mass, nation. It is composed of internal differences which are diverse culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, labouring form, lifestyle, world-view, desire, et cetera. It can not be reduced to the unitary or single identity. Contrasted with the exclusive concept of class, it is a comprehensive concept. It is extended to mean the 'all person who live and work under capitalism'. Especially it includes the poor who are working without receiving the wage. This multitude appears with diverse desires since the 68 revolution at western societies and since the labourer and peasant struggle of 1987 in Korea. With the internal differentiation and complication of labouring class, the labouring form of multitude becomes more and more diverse and immaterial. With the appearance of multitude as a new subject, the way of struggle and the orientation of social movement have changed. The guerilla model which reappeared at 1960s revealed the end of centralism and was transitionary forms to network struggle. The network struggle which began at the autonomous movement in Italy in 1970s has been diffused as a way of struggle of social movement, and reaches the summit at the alternative globalisation movement. With the development of network struggle, desire struggles and struggles for the another production of subjectivity have began to develop explosively. Developing the desire struggle contrasted with the existing interest struggle, multitude tries to refuse the discipline imposed by Empire and make alternative production of subjectivity(singularisation) through the diverse ordinary strikes in social equipments against capitalist production of subjectivity. Multitude identifies their singularities and makes alternative spaces of liberty. In future, we must make an articulation of diverse movements. Autonomous movements, minority movements, molecular revolutions and existing social movement can come together and make an explosive transformation.

This article tries to describe the appearance of multitude and the change of orientation of social movement according to the thought line of 'the politics of fear and desire'. The concept 'multitude' is contrasted with concepts like crowd, people, mass, nation. It is composed of internal differences which are diverse culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, labouring form, lifestyle, world-view, desire, et cetera. It can not be reduced to the unitary or single identity. Contrasted with the exclusive concept of class, it is a comprehensive concept. It is extended to mean the 'all person who live and work under capitalism'. Especially it includes the poor who are working without receiving the wage. This multitude appears with diverse desires since the 68 revolution at western societies and since the labourer and peasant struggle of 1987 in Korea. With the internal differentiation and complication of labouring class, the labouring form of multitude becomes more and more diverse and immaterial. With the appearance of multitude as a new subject, the way of struggle and the orientation of social movement have changed. The guerilla model which reappeared at 1960s revealed the end of centralism and was transitionary forms to network struggle. The network struggle which began at the autonomous movement in Italy in 1970s has been diffused as a way of struggle of social movement, and reaches the summit at the alternative globalisation movement. With the development of network struggle, desire struggles and struggles for the another production of subjectivity have began to develop explosively. Developing the desire struggle contrasted with the existing interest struggle, multitude tries to refuse the discipline imposed by Empire and make alternative production of subjectivity(singularisation) through the diverse ordinary strikes in social equipments against capitalist production of subjectivity. Multitude identifies their singularities and makes alternative spaces of liberty. In future, we must make an articulation of diverse movements. Autonomous movements, minority movements, molecular revolutions and existing social movement can come together and make an explosive transformation.