초록 열기/닫기 버튼

A Study on <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan> Cho, Yeon-sook <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan> share the basis of 'Amita-gyeong' as a common, however, they are different in the work structures and the ways of shaping a sutra. The first chapter of <Anyang-chan> functions as a prologue, while that of <Soebang-ga> functions as a body. Those functions set the fundamentals of the characteristics for a piece of work. In addition, both of the work take in some parts of a sutra yet its relative importance varies. <Anyang-chan> gives more weight on beautifying, idealizing, and praising the Buddhist paradise. On the contrary, <Seobang-ga> emphasizes more on enlightening a Buddhist sermon and devoting oneself to practicing. Moreover, when it comes to accepting a sutra, <Anyang-chan> reflects it objectively but <Seobang-ga> accepts it and leads to recommendation and. Furthermore, the significance in the history of literature can be found in that Buddihistic Kyunghiche-ga, including both <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan>, have laid the groundwork of producing Buddhisitc gasa following the Beopmoon-ga‘s tradition which have started from Kyun-Yu's <Bonhyeon sibwon-ga>.

A Study on <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan> Cho, Yeon-sook <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan> share the basis of 'Amita-gyeong' as a common, however, they are different in the work structures and the ways of shaping a sutra. The first chapter of <Anyang-chan> functions as a prologue, while that of <Soebang-ga> functions as a body. Those functions set the fundamentals of the characteristics for a piece of work. In addition, both of the work take in some parts of a sutra yet its relative importance varies. <Anyang-chan> gives more weight on beautifying, idealizing, and praising the Buddhist paradise. On the contrary, <Seobang-ga> emphasizes more on enlightening a Buddhist sermon and devoting oneself to practicing. Moreover, when it comes to accepting a sutra, <Anyang-chan> reflects it objectively but <Seobang-ga> accepts it and leads to recommendation and. Furthermore, the significance in the history of literature can be found in that Buddihistic Kyunghiche-ga, including both <Seobang-ga> and <Anyang-chan>, have laid the groundwork of producing Buddhisitc gasa following the Beopmoon-ga‘s tradition which have started from Kyun-Yu's <Bonhyeon sibwon-ga>.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

objectively, subjectively, persuasion, Buddhisitc gasa, Beopmoon-ga‘s tradition