초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study is focused on analizing esthetic pattern of the Dongdong(動動) and showing it's character and the character of preface. Dongdong used Wollyeongga(月令歌) style. But, after analizing closeness of the content and context, it is revealed that Dongdong is divided into six groups, not like usual works that follows classification of four seasons. And, all 12 months don't show seasonable customs. FebㆍMayㆍJuneㆍJulyㆍAugㆍSep show seasonable customs but JanㆍMarㆍApril, natural phenomena, OctoㆍNovㆍDec, arbitrary material. The character of Dongdong is Songdojisa(頌禱之詞) not Eumsa(淫詞). The preface play a role of telling supplication that is original intention to make 12months song. 12months song has big structure ; January → April → August → September → December. 1st paragraph is preface, 2nd is February March April songs that show the relation between teller and ‘noksa’(錄事), 3rd is May June July August songs that show the inclination to the ‘Im’, 4th is September song that is the marvelous place that shows steep change, a wonder of the pattern of Dong dong. 5th is October December November January song. October December November song show concretely mental conflict of the teller who was failed to get concern from ‘Im’(임). This mental conflict is showed in January song also. But it is showed by October December November song because there is no situation of the teller in January song. From this contextual character, it is considered that January song play a role of prelude that makes the following songs to reveal gradually the situation of the teller. Like this, Dongdong has circulation pattern, that is, context is revealed through route, as follows ; preface - January song(beginning) - December song(end) - January song …. The content of 12month songs is a woman's one-sided love to a man. This personal lyricism has became the song of supplication through bonding with group consciousness of preface. This opinion is based on the fact that 12 months songs are using present tense that shows ‘the nature of present time’ and ‘the nature of scene’. The nature of present time draws out an effect that makes all participants of the scene get together mentally and physically through recognizing relation that people exchange blessing. According to this effect, it is considered that Dongdong comfort, encourage, stir up ‘noksa’, chief of the feast.