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This study has a meaning in two different aspects. One of them is the introductory period of Dongdong to Goryro music as marine music, and the other is its musical meaning. As we know, there are various academic studies on Dongdong in that it is the first Dalgeori(monthly events) song in our country, However, private studies based on bibliographical examination on it are very scanty. Therefore, this study is a private study on marine music rather than studies on genre of Dongdong, focusing on bibliography. As a result, this study identified that Dongdog was introduced to Goryeo music as follows: ① In about 1354〜1364 where Japanese enemies frequently invaded our country at late Goryeo, Yutak completed Dongdong and Jangsaengpoga, which was introduced to Goryeo music. Furthermore, ② it succeeded to the custom of 'Chaesi' of ancient Books of Odes which looked at trend and manners of the public based on customary music. And, ③ its musical meaning is that it was developed through the custom of 'Chesi(collecting song)'. The meaning of the words that song wonderful life and custom of the public is found at the spirit of odes that share grief and joy together with the public. Most of the odes have inspirational nature. Therefore, introduction of Dongdong into Goryro music and the spirit of odes had a great influence on production of Yongbiochonga of early Joseon Period, and 'Hyeokjeong' 3 of Jeong-dae-up created under the regime of King Sejong shows its custom.

This study has a meaning in two different aspects. One of them is the introductory period of Dongdong to Goryro music as marine music, and the other is its musical meaning. As we know, there are various academic studies on Dongdong in that it is the first Dalgeori(monthly events) song in our country, However, private studies based on bibliographical examination on it are very scanty. Therefore, this study is a private study on marine music rather than studies on genre of Dongdong, focusing on bibliography. As a result, this study identified that Dongdog was introduced to Goryeo music as follows: ① In about 1354〜1364 where Japanese enemies frequently invaded our country at late Goryeo, Yutak completed Dongdong and Jangsaengpoga, which was introduced to Goryeo music. Furthermore, ② it succeeded to the custom of 'Chaesi' of ancient Books of Odes which looked at trend and manners of the public based on customary music. And, ③ its musical meaning is that it was developed through the custom of 'Chesi(collecting song)'. The meaning of the words that song wonderful life and custom of the public is found at the spirit of odes that share grief and joy together with the public. Most of the odes have inspirational nature. Therefore, introduction of Dongdong into Goryro music and the spirit of odes had a great influence on production of Yongbiochonga of early Joseon Period, and 'Hyeokjeong' 3 of Jeong-dae-up created under the regime of King Sejong shows its custom.