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The military system of Koryŏ featured two separate military bodies. One was the pyŏngmasa established in the two border districts (yanggye, composed of the Northern border region (pukkye) and the eastern border region(tonggye)) and the other the Tobyŏngmasa established at the central governmentlevel. These two organizations consisted of positions such as p΄nsa, sa, pusa, p΄n΄wan and noksa which were responsible for defense and military related affairs. The general perception has heretofore been that the relations between these two organizations were set up in such a way that the Tobyŏngmasa in principle controlled the Pyŏngmasa in both border districts. Some had also maintained that the Tobyŏngmasa was in effect the supervisor of commander(pyŏngma p΄nsaje). However, some have recently argued that the Tobyŏngmasa did not refer to an organization but only to a government position. Moreover, they have also claimed that the name of the entire organization was in fact Tobyŏngma. Based on this debate, this study undertook the task of reanalyzing the veracity of these conflicting claims. In this regard, this study was able to ascertain that the existing assertion was correct. More to the point, this study found that the term Tobyŏngma was an abbreviation of the official name, Tobyŏngmasa. In turn, as it possessed the representative characteristics of an organization, ‘Tobyŏngmasa’ was the name given to a title and simultaneously meant an organization. Furthermore, the Pyŏngmasa and Tobyŏngmasa, although independent organizations, were in effect established during the same period. These organizations existed in a relationship in which neither side was controlled by the other. In terms of the functions of the P΄nbyŏngmasa or Pyŏngmap΄nsa, and the Tobyŏngmasa, which revolved around the Chaech΄(宰樞, Privy Council), this study revealed that the P΄nbyŏngmasa or Pyŏngmap΄nsa was dispatched to the two border districts to implement the command authority meanwhile, the Tobyŏngmasa was responsible for military politics and related public affairs within the central government. Thus, these two positions were also responsible for conducting separate job duties.

The military system of Koryŏ featured two separate military bodies. One was the pyŏngmasa established in the two border districts (yanggye, composed of the Northern border region (pukkye) and the eastern border region(tonggye)) and the other the Tobyŏngmasa established at the central governmentlevel. These two organizations consisted of positions such as p΄nsa, sa, pusa, p΄n΄wan and noksa which were responsible for defense and military related affairs. The general perception has heretofore been that the relations between these two organizations were set up in such a way that the Tobyŏngmasa in principle controlled the Pyŏngmasa in both border districts. Some had also maintained that the Tobyŏngmasa was in effect the supervisor of commander(pyŏngma p΄nsaje). However, some have recently argued that the Tobyŏngmasa did not refer to an organization but only to a government position. Moreover, they have also claimed that the name of the entire organization was in fact Tobyŏngma. Based on this debate, this study undertook the task of reanalyzing the veracity of these conflicting claims. In this regard, this study was able to ascertain that the existing assertion was correct. More to the point, this study found that the term Tobyŏngma was an abbreviation of the official name, Tobyŏngmasa. In turn, as it possessed the representative characteristics of an organization, ‘Tobyŏngmasa’ was the name given to a title and simultaneously meant an organization. Furthermore, the Pyŏngmasa and Tobyŏngmasa, although independent organizations, were in effect established during the same period. These organizations existed in a relationship in which neither side was controlled by the other. In terms of the functions of the P΄nbyŏngmasa or Pyŏngmap΄nsa, and the Tobyŏngmasa, which revolved around the Chaech΄(宰樞, Privy Council), this study revealed that the P΄nbyŏngmasa or Pyŏngmap΄nsa was dispatched to the two border districts to implement the command authority meanwhile, the Tobyŏngmasa was responsible for military politics and related public affairs within the central government. Thus, these two positions were also responsible for conducting separate job duties.