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In Koryeo Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva was widely admired by people as well as Buddhist monks. He was admired, paired up with Manjusri Bodhisattva. In late Koryeo Manjusri became more popular, while Samanthabhadra got less popular. Samanthabhadra was believed by people beyond Buddhist sects. He played a role in stimulating the harmony of sects as the catalyst that made Buddhism more popular to people. The north area of the northwest of Koryeo was a strategically significant place for the national defense. The temples of this region assumed a strong character of defeating the foreign enemy. Myohyang Mountain of Yeongju was the holy space which was recognized as the shelter of Samanthabhadra since Koryeo. Bohyeon Temple on Myohyang Mountain, was built during the reign of King Hyeonjong or King Jeongjong. The central government needed the help of Bohyeon Temple to rule the northwestern region effectively, while Bohyeon Temple needed its help to be prosperous. Thus the central government supported Bohyeon Temple, and Yeongju and Bohyeon Temple backed it up positively. Bohyun Temple became more prosperous with the effort of its own monks and the support of the central government. In late Koryeo the relationship of the central government and Bohyeon Temple was loose, Zen Buddhism of Naong became powerful with Yunpil Temple and Anshim Temple on Myohyang Mountain. A great monk, Naong who was admired by the public had an influence on Bohyeon Temple beyond sects.