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In January, 2009, a number of offering utensils with a gilt bronze vessel for Sarira enshrinement were excavated from the west Stone Pagoda on the Mireuksa Temple. One of them is Goden bar. Here, focusing on the inscribed writing on the small golden bar and its apparent characteristics, the author named it Geumjung(金鋌). This paper looked into the operation and changes of the weight system of Baekje by examining disputable words used for measuring in the writing inscribed on the gold bar. As a result, the weight of the Geumjung(金鋌) i.e. 13.2g/Yang(兩) was different from the unit of 17.328g/Yang(兩) which was an original unit for measuring volume in Baekje. The unit of their weight came from those of jiāng nán. It was because that merchants put gold and silver into circulation in jiāng nán area for trading with traders of Southeast Asia and countries bordering on the western China. The Geumjung can be seen as a sort of currency by weight in that time to purchase expensive articles from Southeast Asia and countries bordering on the western China. Geumjung from the Mireuksa Temple site is prior to gold and silver bar of Silla. On the basis of this study, we can find out the fact that the trade in jiāng nán area by Baekje and commercial exchange between Baekje, China and the countries bordering on Western China by merchants flourished remarkably.