초록 열기/닫기 버튼

It is necessity that the texts which Japanese dispatched by Jinruigakukyousitu(人類學敎室) of Tokyo Imperial University produced in surveying Chosen history & cultures should be studied and analyzed during Japanese occupation of Chosen. This paper treats the beginning of early modern Japanese anthropology, the foundation & its management of Jinruigakukyousitu(人類學敎室) and its survey method and the relation of anthropology with colonialism as in Totiryuzou(鳥居龍藏) dispatched by Jinruigakukyousitu(人類學敎室) from the view that the method of intellectual history should be useful in studying the academical background of the man who produced the texts. Stimulated by E. S. Morse who came to Tokyo University, natural sciences-centered undergraduates of Tokyo Imperial University like Tsuboishogorou(坪井正五郞) organized Tokyo Anthropological Society in 1884. But Because at the time the anthropology was not established as one academic branch, it mainly had the concept of as a racial approach which is different from that of Western anthropology taking the method of fieldwork on other cultures. Therefore, at the time Japanese anthropology directed itself toward researching the formation & distribution of a race, its physical characteristics, and racial psychology etc. It was because of the occupation of colony abroad by Japan that the survey and study on the colonial races was possible. Anthropological attributes and the occupation of colony by Japan made possible the research and survey in Yodon Peninsula, Taiwan, and Chosen by Jinruigakukyousitu(人類學敎室). As the concept of anthropology in Japan was socially spreaded, 「Jinruigakukasitu(人類學假室)」by Tsuboishogorou(坪井正五郞) was moved to Hongo(本鄕) in 1898 and was established along the north of ground. And then it was also moved to newly built building to be used temporarily as headquarter of University in 1913. 1. Because of Kanto Earthquake in 1923년 the Second Building of natural sciences was built, and it was moved there. In 1934, Jinruigakukyousitu(人類學敎室) was moved there together with zoology, botany, geology, mineralogy, geography. The movement of it was finished in 5. 25, and after then the institute became to be systemized as not only research room but also measuring room, experimental room, displaying room, sampling room, summary room for samples. Anatomy of texts produced under the colonial situations will be one which we can overcome the heritages of colonial politics, and also anatomy of 'colonial knowledge'.