초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article took notice how the customary ethnic discrimination instead of the ethnic discrimination by law and system had been practiced in the Ganggyeong(江景) commercial secondary school at which Korean and Japanese were trained together under the same environment and system during the Japanese occupation period. What I found out could be summarized as follows: First of all, the school authorities alloted an entrance quota of Korean and Japanese in proportion to the number of Japanese applicants for entrance to the school in the selection process of new students. This was a preference to Japanese applicants as well as an ethnic discrimination to Koreans. In the second, the school authorities and some among Japanese teachers who occupied the overwhelming majority of the school teachers punished Korean students more severely and more frequently than Japanese in the process of the guidance in the life and behavior of students. In the last, the Japanese nation supremacists among Japanese teachers, a military officer in charge of military drill, policemen in charge of martial arts discriminated against Korean students when they evaluated the school records in some subjects. In addition, the school authorities and Japanese teachers graded Korean students lowlier than Japanese when they evaluated synthetically students by demeanor and records, though Korean students were more superior in the school records and received more prizes for good or perfect attendance than Japanese. In short, the school authorities and some Japanese teachers discriminated customarily against Korean students when they selected or guided or evaluated students under the same environment and system of education. The result of this research tells that Korean students usually underwent the customary ethnic discrimination of the school authorities and some Japanese teachers even at some few secondary schools in which Korean & Japanese students received an education together during the Japanese occupation period.