초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The two differing trends of nationalism and internationalism werenot only harmonized without any major contradictions in East Asia during the early 20th century, but also conflicted there. This study analyzes the conflicts that emerged between Joseon and Chinese nationals in Manchuria and Joseon in July 1931 as part of what came to be known as the Wanbaoshan Incident. This incident is defined herein as as one of the symptoms that allows us to develop a better understanding of the ideal and reality of the notion of a people’s alliance in East Asia.Despite the common goals of resisting against Japanese imperialism, the two nations (Chinese and Joseon) exhibited clear differences as far as the Chinese Revolution and the national liberation of Joseon was concerned. These differences led to the emergence of cracks in their ideal of forming a national alliance between oppressed nations to resist against imperialism. The Wanbaoshan Incident can be regarded as saliently exhibiting the fissures that emerged between the two nations, and further the conflicts and contradictions that existed in reality. In fact, the history of modern and contemporary Korea-Chinese relations is a complicated one characterized by the concepts of alliance and conflict. This study reviews how the ideal of an alliance between China and Joseon geared towards shared goals, namely anti-Japanese and anti-imperialism. became twisted and distorted.The Wanbaoshan Incident of 1931 exposed the fact that althoughpeople of East Asia sought to forge alliances that went beyond national borders during the early 20th century. they also engaged in conflicts and clashes with one another. In July 1931, Chinese nationals were killed by Joseon people in Joseon. In Manchuria. many Joseon people were targeted as the subjects of persecution and expulsion.The persecution toward other nations. which emerged in the East Asian region before and after the Wanbaoshan Incident included racialist elements. The expansion of the scope of Japanese imperialism as a result of incidents such as the Manchurian Incident and the establishment of Manchukuo, the Sino-Japanese War. and the Asia-Pacific War Some led some Joseon nationals to fantasize of a world in which Joseon was the main arm of Japanese imperialism. thus exposing an undisguised sense of superiority and exclusiveness toward other nations and races. China also failed to overcome its perception of Joseon as its tributary, a position that was rooted in it traditional Sinocentric awareness. This is clearly evidenced by the Anti Minsaedang Incident (反民生團事件), which saw the Chinese Communist Partysuppress the independence activities of Joseon nationals residing in Manchuriaduring the early 1930s. China’s continued emphasis on thelogic of the single nation, namely that the Zhonghua minzu (Chinese nation) constitutes the only nation in China. some 60 years after the emergence of the Chinese Revolution has important implications with regards to the understanding of modern and contemporary Korea-Chinese relations. including the Chinese people’s perceptions of Joseon.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Wanbaoshan Incident, history of Korean-Chinese relations, Korean residents is Manchuria, Chinese press, Chinese Communist Party, Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang)