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바리공주와 지장보살은 무속과 불교라는 종교문화적 맥락 속에서 각기 뚜렷한 위상을 차지하고 있는 신성존재이나, 망자를 천도하는 무속의례인 진오기․새남굿에서는 서로 일정한 연관성을 보이면서 제의적 기능을 수행하는 양상을 보여준다. 바리공주가 망자를 이승에서부터 저승으로 천도하는 신격인데 비해 지장보살은 망자의 극락왕생을 도와주는 신격으로서 상호보완적인 관계에 있다. 그러나 실제 무속의례에서 구연되는 사례를 보면 바리공주와 지장보살은 그 역할이 서로 넘나들면서 양자 모두 망자의 극락왕생을 인도하는 존재로서 인식되는 양상이 나타난다. 바리공주와 지장보살은 각기 신성존재로의 전환 내력을 풀이한 신화적 서사를 지니고 있다. <바리공주>는 일생담 구조로서 출생에서부터 고난을 거쳐 신직좌정에 이르는 결말까지를 서술한다. 반면 지장보살 전생담인 <바라문 딸>은 악도에 떨어진 어머니 구출을 서사의 중심축에 두고 전개되며 딸이 큰 서원을 세우는 것으로 마무리된다. 지장보살의 전생담으로서 <바라문 딸> 서사는 과거-현재-미래가 연속되면서 하나의 완성된 존재로의 전환을 보여주는, 초역사적 시간에 근거한 불교적 존재론을 보여주고 있다. 반면 <바리공주>는 순차적 시간성에 기반한 일대기 구조이지만, 제의를 통해 과거의 사건은 원형적 사건으로서 재현되며, 이러한 재현을 통해 가역성, 즉 초역사성을 획득한다. 따라서 과거의 사건은 종결된 것이 아니라 현재적 시간 속에서 재현되는 원인으로서 구실한다는 점에서, 불교적 신성서사와 무속적 신성서사는 일정한 연관성을 보여준다. 그것은 양자 모두 신성시되는 이야기이자 제의적 맥락 속에서 새롭게 의미화되는 신화적 서사들이기 때문이다. 이러한 근거 아래 <바리공주>와 <지장보살 전생담>을 비교한 결과, 서사단락과 인물형상에서 구조적 유사성을 상당부분 확인할 수 있었다. 바리공주는 아버지에게 생명을 주었던 것처럼 진오기굿을 통해 망자를 조상신으로 전환하도록 해주는 신성존재로서 역할하며, 지장보살은 지옥고를 겪던 어머니를 구출하여 천상에 태어나게 했던 것처럼 지옥중생을 구제하여 성불토록 한다. 이런 점에서 두 존재의 직능은 ’죽음에서 삶으로의 전환‘이라는 구조적 유사성을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 사실은 바리공주와 지장보살의 제의적 연관성이 가능했던 이유가 이미 그들의 내력을 담은 신화적 서사에서부터 그 토대가 마련되고 있었음을 말해준다.
Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal(bodhisattva) are deities that take distinct positions in their respective religious and cultural contexts, shamanism and Buddhism. Though Jinohgi-Sainamgut is a shamanistic ritual that is to lead the dead, Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal are carrying out ritual functions in relation to each other. Princess Bari is a god who leads the dead from this world to the other, and Jijang Bosal is a god who help the dead to reach the heaven. Their roles are complimentary to each other. However, in shamanistic rituals, the roles of the two deities are interchanged and both are perceived as helpers for the dead to reach the heaven. Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal have mythological narratives in which they transform themselves to holy beings. <Princess Bari> is a life story and tells about her life's full story from her birth, her hardships, to her transformation to deity. On the other hand, <Baramun(Braman)'s daughter>, which is the story of Jijang Bosal's previous life, evolves around saving her mother who fell into the hell and ends with her building a great temple. The story of <Baramun's daughter> depicts the Buddhist ontology which is based on the notion of ultra historical time, showing the transformation as a completed being in continuous circle of past-present-future. On the other hand, <Princess Bari> having a life-story-structure is based on a chronological time frame, it recreates past experiences into arch-typical ones through rituals and by recreation it achieves reversibility, i. e. ultra-historicalness. It shows how buddhist's holy stories are connected to shamanistic ones in that past events are not concluded but they become realized in present time. Both are holy stories and also mythical stories that take meanings in ritual contexts. With this background, <Princess Bari> and <The Story of Previous Life of Jijang Bosal> were compared and considerable similarities in narrative structure were found. Princess Bari plays a similar role as a holy being who transforms a dead into an ancestor god as the one in which she gave a life to her father. Jigang Bosal saves the sinners of the hell and help them become Buddha just like she saved her own mother from a living hell and have her to be born in the heaven. Their abilities to transform death into life show the structural similarity. The base on which they share ritual connection is their mythical narratives that tell their life stories.
Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal(bodhisattva) are deities that take distinct positions in their respective religious and cultural contexts, shamanism and Buddhism. Though Jinohgi-Sainamgut is a shamanistic ritual that is to lead the dead, Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal are carrying out ritual functions in relation to each other. Princess Bari is a god who leads the dead from this world to the other, and Jijang Bosal is a god who help the dead to reach the heaven. Their roles are complimentary to each other. However, in shamanistic rituals, the roles of the two deities are interchanged and both are perceived as helpers for the dead to reach the heaven. Both Princess Bari and Jijang Bosal have mythological narratives in which they transform themselves to holy beings. <Princess Bari> is a life story and tells about her life's full story from her birth, her hardships, to her transformation to deity. On the other hand, <Baramun(Braman)'s daughter>, which is the story of Jijang Bosal's previous life, evolves around saving her mother who fell into the hell and ends with her building a great temple. The story of <Baramun's daughter> depicts the Buddhist ontology which is based on the notion of ultra historical time, showing the transformation as a completed being in continuous circle of past-present-future. On the other hand, <Princess Bari> having a life-story-structure is based on a chronological time frame, it recreates past experiences into arch-typical ones through rituals and by recreation it achieves reversibility, i. e. ultra-historicalness. It shows how buddhist's holy stories are connected to shamanistic ones in that past events are not concluded but they become realized in present time. Both are holy stories and also mythical stories that take meanings in ritual contexts. With this background, <Princess Bari> and <The Story of Previous Life of Jijang Bosal> were compared and considerable similarities in narrative structure were found. Princess Bari plays a similar role as a holy being who transforms a dead into an ancestor god as the one in which she gave a life to her father. Jigang Bosal saves the sinners of the hell and help them become Buddha just like she saved her own mother from a living hell and have her to be born in the heaven. Their abilities to transform death into life show the structural similarity. The base on which they share ritual connection is their mythical narratives that tell their life stories.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Princess Bari, Jijang Bosal(bodhisattva), buddhist's holy stories, shamanistic holy stories, ritual functions, character types, Jinohgi-Sainamgut of Seoul Region, <The Story of Previous Life of Jijang Bosal>, transform death into life