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The just war theory has taken a mediating position between the extremist views of pacifism and holy war. St. Augustine was the originator of the Christian just war theory, on which later medieval authors elaborated. This theory permitted the use of limited military force to prevent greater evil from occurring. The eleventh century peace movements working for the Pax Christi were established and grew to protect unarmed civilians and limit the use of weapons during wars. However, these peace movements not only endeavored to prevent warfare but also accepted the just war theory, which recognizes defense and recovery as the criteria of a just cause. They did not reject military intervention,but rather they admitted that the use of force was inevitable. Amselm of Lucca and Ivo of Chartres also emphasized limited war and suggested just authority, just cause, right intention, and last resort as the conditions for just wars. Thus, they accepted the just war theory of Augustine. Medieval Christian just war theory balanced the elevation of holy war doctrine,yet in believing that its war is just, one side may ignore the justice of other side.