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This study tries to reconstruct the living conditions in America of contemporary Chinese students during the Nanjing Nationalist Government(NNG). Students went to America to study as part of their patriotic duty to ‘construct a rich and powerful country by learning modern sciences’. While most had substantial difficulty communicating in English and endured poor living conditions due to lack of money while they were abroad,they acquired new theories and advanced skills through the quality education in US colleges. It was feasible to acquaint themselves with democratic thinking and behaviour by way of experiencing western constitutionalism and civic consciousness in every life outside of class. They also experienced severe racism and saw the gap between rich and poor for themselves, noticing the weakness of democracies like America. They in effect had a strong progressive inclinations in their field of study and politically supported civil rights. Their experiences taught people that capitalism was limited economically. They showed a socially intense nationalistic,anti-discriminational disposition. As such, they generally kept their attitude of Chinese Morality while making use of western advances in the sciences and technology.