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Research trends in Korea’s study of Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan in 2010 and 2011 is marked by an increase in the number of research papers, increased research on both the Mongol and Yuan empires, and an emphasis on the history of international relations. I have been able to obtain and categorize approximately 80 research papers,which is a significant increase from the usual 40~50. That there are 5 graduate theses and 4 doctoral theses, both of which signify the introduction of new researchers,is also encouraging. The topics that have brought in such changes are Mongolian and Yuan history, of which 21 papers were submitted, and the history of international relations, of which 37 papers were submitted. When it comes to graduate and doctoral theses and monographs, Mongolian history and International Relations History were dominant in terms of their contribution. While the fact that only 3 papers about Liao and Jin is somewhat disappointing,the overall change is encouraging in that it shows a shift away from overemphasis on Song research. The main focus of international relations and interaction history is focused on relations concerning Korea.