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The Song and Khitan Dynasties exchanged envoys with each other about 680 times over a period of 120 years. From the point of view of the Song Dynasty, this means that they welcomed Khitan envoys about 3 times a year, as Khitan sent their envoys close to 340 times to the Song Dynasty after the Chanyuan Treaty 澶淵之盟was signed in the year 1004. As a part of their foreign relations, when Song or Khitan foreign envoys were received by the other country, they were greeted with foreign rituals performed with proper formality which cemented the relationship of the two nations. Matters regarding the procedure of these foreign rituals remain part of a subject which have not yet been examined in depth in the history of Song-Khitan foreign relations. This paper aims to ascertain how the Song dynasty treated Khitan envoys, especially in terms of court rituals which consisted of Jianyi 見儀, Yanyi 宴儀and Ciyi 辭儀. Through an analysis of these three court rituals, the process and characteristics of court rituals as well as the function of the Song Dynasty's palaces in relation to the Khitan Envoy and the broad outlines of Khitan Envoy schedules during their staying in Kaifeng 開封can be confirmed. A wide variety of information came to light in the course of analysis regarding the roles of Song Dynasty government officials that attended the rituals,the means of exchanging a sovereign's message and presents, as well as the expression of complex court etiquette and matters of interpretation. As a result, it is possible to say that the Song Dynasty court rituals for foreign envoys are quite different from that of the Tang Dynasty and shows a natural change in terms of international relations between the Tang and Song.