초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The essay covers the present states of the research on the Japanese colonial period between 2012 and 2013, with a view on its new elements. Its major trends are as follows; first, there was much attention in historical consciousness to East Asia or everyday local strata, so ideas about state or national unity were rather relativized; second, in the history of policy and economy, consideration over the hegemonic aspect of the colonial rule in addition to its violent aspect stood out; third, in social history, studies were active over the movement of those who were transnational or border- crossing, along with attention to gender; fourth, in the history of movement, the study on citizen’s and local movements became active as it became con- nected with the argument for colonial publicity; fifth, various studies on dis- tribution of modern knowledge, languageㆍdiscourse, imageㆍmigration(移動) ㆍemotions, and others were noticeable in cultural history.