초록 열기/닫기 버튼

During the 1880s, the Joseon goverment started to publish weekly goverment bulletins called the <Hanseong Jubo> and also ten-day reports called the <Hanseong Sundo>. The goverment's intention was to let the public habe a taste of the new world order, and understand the goverment's plans and policies that were in implementation for the so-called enlightenment cause at the time. The Joseon goverment was distaching emissaries to the Chinese Ch'ing dynasty and Japan. The emossaroes were under instructions to collect information regarding the current world order,and the colleted information was used in publishing Hanseong Judo and Hanseong Sunbo. In the early 1880s, the Joseon dynasty government was collecting international information primaryily from the new media of Ch'ing and secondarily from Japanese sources. Also, the Joseon gorverment was clearly aware of most of the conditions of the news media in East Asia. Analysis of the foreign news articles included in the <Hanseong Sunbo> shows that in the early 1880s the Joseon goverment was quite interested in the foreign situations and modern porperties of the era. Regarding the international situation, basic geographical information of the worle(which would help the Joseon public to widen their prespective of the world ot a global scale was delivered to the public on the articles.