초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Causative and passive are types of voice, and independent phenomenon representing active voice and passive voice each. In case of Chinese language we came to know through analysis that ‘把’(Ba), ‘被’(Bei), ‘叫’(Jiao) and ‘讓’(Rang) construction are showing a crossover phenomenon. Therefore as a key to resolution for this problem firstly we went over correlation between causative and passive. Because it's placed a prerequisite that causative should have cause of passivity (resultative), and passive being focused on resultative should imply cause which enables the resultative, we came to know that causative and passive are in causal chain (Croft(1991, 1993), Comrie(1981, 1989)). I have reflected the conclusion of the study on language situation of Chinese. ‘把’(Ba) can appear at long distance ‘被’(long Bei) construction because of causativity imbedded in ‘被’(Bei) construction. And ‘叫’(Jiao) and ‘讓’(Rang) construction show meaning of passive not only intrinsic meaning because of the effects of analogy of typical passive sentence ‘被’(Bei) construction. How speaker chooses which construction and construction form is dependant on which viewpoint the speaker choose, and this is connected to cognitive mechanism of speaker.