초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper is a study of the Sino-Korean of “Yuk-jo-beop-po-dan-kyeong-unhae”. The studies of “Dankyeong” has been comparatively neglected, which is possibly because some volumes of “Dankyeong” are missing. This writer mainly investigated the following on Sino-Korean of “Dankyeong” : There are the cases where two Sino-Korean appear or is different with modern Sino-Korean. Such examples are shown in this paper. It is provided that some of them are due to the differences of the steps between Sino-Korean and Chinese, but as to the alternation of ㅕ/ㅖ its cause cannot be clarified exactly. This writer considers that those changes come from a reflection of the pronunciation in Chinese, specially Old Chinese. Latyely, ‘謝시’ and ‘色시’ are transcriptional or typographical errors judging from its Chinese.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Yuk-jo-beop-po-dan-kyeong-unhae, Sino-Korean phonetic notation, contrastive linguistics, alternation, the steps between Sino-Korean and Chinese