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This study aims at considering the relation between the adaptations of novel and the social change or the fashion of the times. With few exceptions, film adapted from novel is different from the original text. And the adapted texts are different with each other. Because the aspects of adaption keep pace up with the social change or the fashion of the times. The adapations of novel is not out of keeping with the times. On this point, this study investigated a modification of story that occurs in transference from novel to film. There are many reasons that make a modification of story in the visualization of novel. But among them, I think that the context(a phase of social-culture) is one of the important fundamental elements. For example, The Gamja(Potato) by Kim Dong-in had been filmized in 1960's and 1980's. But that two visualized texts are different mutually in the story. Such a modification of story has a certain marked tendency that occur in transference from novel to visual media. That is a reflection of a social or a period. Film is media intended for the mass. Therefore film should carry out the mass's wishes and should suit their tastes or social-emotion or ideology. The surroundings of the times or social-conditions influences the adaptation of novel. The adaptations of novel do not signify only the transference from one media to other media. The adaptations of novel reflects the tastes, desires, interests of the masses in that times.