초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This thesis aims to clarify that semantic causative is different from grammatical causativization in Korean. Causative have not been separated from causativization in the existing study of Korean. Above all, causative sentences by a suffix {-i-} was dealt with causativization. This paper lay emphasis on causative sentences by a suffix {-i-} of all things Causativity of Causative sentences have to be grasp by organic relationship between causer, causee, causative event, and caused event. In subsequently, 'causative' can stipulate by semantic features: syntagmatic iconicity( [+implicationality], [+sequentiality] ), paradigmatic iconicity( [+attentionality], [±superiority] ). According to this analysis, some causative sentences by the suffix {-i-} is 'causative'. But all of causative sentences by the suffix {-i-} aren't grammatical causativization. Because the suffix {-i-} couldn't satisfy all requirements for tagmeme: causativity, syntactic function, and systemicity of a morpheme.
This thesis aims to clarify that semantic causative is different from grammatical causativization in Korean. Causative have not been separated from causativization in the existing study of Korean. Above all, causative sentences by a suffix {-i-} was dealt with causativization. This paper lay emphasis on causative sentences by a suffix {-i-} of all things Causativity of Causative sentences have to be grasp by organic relationship between causer, causee, causative event, and caused event. In subsequently, 'causative' can stipulate by semantic features: syntagmatic iconicity( [+implicationality], [+sequentiality] ), paradigmatic iconicity( [+attentionality], [±superiority] ). According to this analysis, some causative sentences by the suffix {-i-} is 'causative'. But all of causative sentences by the suffix {-i-} aren't grammatical causativization. Because the suffix {-i-} couldn't satisfy all requirements for tagmeme: causativity, syntactic function, and systemicity of a morpheme.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
causative, causativization, causativity, grammaticality, iconicity, semantic feature, {-i-}