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The Study investigated the unique psychological mechanism and subject composition form that are revealed in the choi Sang-Gyu's novels of 1950's. I would like to point out the original features of the characters in his novels that are different from the rest of the novels wirtten in the 1950's. Based on Lacan's psychoanalytical theory, the details and the processes of development of such characters will be revealed. In most novels, the narrative proceeds with the heavy emphasis on the relationship between males and females. Such relationship stems from the homogeneity between mother and son that ecists only in the omaginary. So, the characters are not Prohibited to pursue their pleasures that they could attain form their maternal relationships. In order to break through such imaginary relationship, 'Name-of the -Father' in necessary. Although most of the novles during this period seems to be detailing with families, they mostly are focused on male-female relationship. Even in the stories where the father may appear, he is mostly absent or is refused to be accepted by his children. The characters who failed to advance into the symbolic through 'Name-of-the-Father' from the imaginary relation with mother display psychotic behaviors.